We use abrasives to shape, smooth, and polish the wood.
A well prepared surface is essential to an excellent finish.
We sculpt, profile, and level the wood with relatively coarse sandpaper on several machines. 80 and 120 grits are typical.
These operations are usually on parts that are a long way from the finishing room. But the shape is the foundation and soul of our finish for the soft contours of our chairs and our mirror-flat table tops make the reflection of light sublime...inviting a caress from your hand.
We sand to remove the scratches from shaping with abrasives and to remove the milling marks from cutting with machines. We use 120, 180, 220 grit on machines and proceed to 320 and 400 grit by hand.
Theorum: Use the finest grit you can to remove the scratches or marks left from the previous operation, working your way up through the grits.
Corollary One: Use a variety of actions (mix up different machines and hands as you go through the gits) to smooth out the typical trail left by a means. Corollary Two: Skip a grit if you can. Be sure you can.
This word is useful to describe the sanding between coats of finish. We use 600 and 1000 grit by hand and similar abrasives on a buffing sander.