We build the Weeks Rocker in cherry (shown below), walnut, maple, mahogany, and mesquite. This rocking chair design has proven comfortable and beautiful and has anchored our business for over twenty years. Our money-back guarantee of comfort and “satisfaction in every way” includes the cost of shipping. If you don’t like it, we refund your money and pay the freight both ways.

To make the curved rockers for our rocking chairs, we glue ¼” thick strips of wood together on a curved form: making a bent lamination. In this way, the grain (the long, tough wood fiber) follows the curve producing strength and stability. For symmetry, uniformity, and adhesion, these strips must be accurate. We saw several strips from a “blank” that is 2 inches thick and 3, or more, inches in width. We have built extensions on the saw table and fence and a hold-down guide to move the blank straight across the blade—reducing risk to wood . . . and hands.
We order the strips and stack them together just as they came off the blank. Note the crayon marks that we put on the blanks before we saw them.

To select the strips for a pair of rockers, we take five for one and five for the other, opening the sets as if a book, creating a pleasing composition of figure in pairs of rockers.