Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Business With Us

February 13, 2015

I just received my rocker and I am very pleased! We bought the rocker as we are expecting our first child and know we needed something comfortable for the long sleepless nights. The packaging was well designed and not a thing left without lots of bubble wrap. I'm very impressed with the product, service, and shipping . . . and I'm a very tough judge! Thank you for this wonderful piece, we look forward to the many hours spent rocking in it!

J. and J.

Oxford, Mississippi

February 03, 2015


I’ve never known any business, large or small, that treats folks as warm friends from the start, and that says a lot about you, as do the beauty and integrity of the furniture you make. Talking with you is as comfortable as sitting in this rocker, and that’s saying something.


Chicago, Illinois

January 16, 2015

Thank you so much for all you have done for my sister. The transition from your studio to their home went so well. They absolutely LOVE it. G. has already fallen asleep reading in it . . . all wrapped up in her blanket. I look forward to our paths crossing again. You and Austin made this a fun and warm project for our family.

Most sincerely,

Austin, Texas

December 29, 2014

Hello and Happy New Year!!

He's rocking in it now. As I expected, the chair was quite a surprise and an adjustment from what he was sitting in, but he's been in it every day since the 25th, with no complaints. In fact, he even said it's more comfortable than he expected it to be (this is a huge compliment from someone who does not receive gifts well AT ALL).

The delivery arrived without incident on the 22nd. I should tell you that the folks who brought it to me were very helpful unloading, unwrapping and even carting away the packing materials; I think they were eager to see what was inside! It's a beautiful chair, and I know that one day soon, I'll be ordering from you again . . . for me, in walnut!

Thank you so much for all your hard work.

Little Rock, Arkansas

December 19, 2014

Hey Gary,

We got the chairs. They’re beautiful. The shippers did a good job. No problem with that. The joinery is superb. The finish is even better. They’re beautiful.


Ashville, North Carolina

November 01, 2014

G'morning, Gary,

I fought my way into the second [Terrell] table last night, just a little bubble-wrap to clear . . . it's the maple, and it is soooo lovely, the grain is just so deep. They are both just so wonderful, and I'm really glad I got them!

The packing, well, that's star packing, for sure. I have plenty of wrap to send christmas with, and the bulk left over goes to 'Go Postal' our local UPS store or whatever it is. They treasure peanuts and bubble and all, little as possible gets wasted.

Thank you again, I am SO pleased, and I'll be moving them around for a bit deciding who gets what where. :)

with best wishes to all of you,

Creston, North Carolina

September 26, 2014

Dear Gary,

I am sitting in my beautiful rocker right now. It is so comfortable and the wood feels like satin. I Love It!! May stay on it all day.

I appreciate your personal attention & service and again am so happy with the rocker. It feels really good on my back & I like being able to put my head back zzzzzz

Yours truly,

Rockaway Park, New York

September 25, 2014


The rocking chair and stool arrived in fine shape, and they are everything I hoped for and more. From the moment I sat down in it, my back said thank you. Its a beautiful piece of furniture which we will treasure and use for a long, long time. Thanks not only for the craftsmanship, but for the wonderfully solicitous service in getting it here.

All the best,

Silver Spring, Maryland

August 19, 2014

Austin and Gary,

The tables are great, as expected. Thanks for the original artwork in the packing materials too!


Ames, Iowa

July 22, 2014

Dear Austin and Gary,

The crate arrived last Wednesday and B. was able to be home for that. Since the crate looked well intact they accepted the delivery but waited for us to arrive to open it.

We are all so thrilled with everything . . . the workmanship is awe-inspiring and the beauty of the wood is truly stunning. It is so comfortable and comforting to sit in the rocker . . . M. and I look forward to putting it to good use whenever we can visit . . . and I know S. and B. will truly enjoy it on a daily basis.

It is a family heirloom that will be appreciated and cherished. I'm not exactly sure how each piece is made (by one person, etc.) but a big THANK YOU to all involved. From the get-go Austin answered all of my questions and walked me through the ordering process . . . then Gary, as we know, did the same for us through the delivery process. (Austin, we hope you had a great vacation.)

— — — — — —

We are grateful for all your kindness, help, and care.


Northport, New York

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