Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Beauty

October 06, 2011


The rocker arrived when it was supposed to with all well, complete with Wiley Mae's art work which made the box the envy of the neighborhood. I arrived (also all well) slightly later than expected and we finally unpacked the rocker late yesterday. It is both beautiful and comfortable and has gotten a lot of rocking in not very many hours. We love it and it looks fabulous in its new home.

Thank you so much!


Boise, Idaho

September 12, 2011

Dear Gary — the rocker arrived not long after we spoke and I was on the phone with the shipper. It is a gift for my wife from her children. She is thrilled by it, as am I. It would be a great addition to our house even if no one ever sat in it! Just to look at it or touch it brings a smile of pleasure. I'll give you an update on the joy of sitting in it once I gain some experience.

Thanks so much!


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

August 31, 2011

Dear Gary and Austin,

I unwrapped the chair first thing this morning and was absolutely stunned! I could not be more pleased with the craftsmanship, the design, and the comfort. The back support is just right, and everyone who has sat in it feels it must have been made for them alone. The wood is beautiful, and you captured the grain perfectly! I thank you both, and hope you will pass along my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed in creating my chair.

I am trained as an engineer and tend to favor function over form, much to the dismay of my daughters (ages 19 and 22), who are both talented artists and take the opposite view. When I first sat in the chair I was reminded of the quote from William Morris: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." The Weeks rocker is a sublime combination of aesthetics and function that satisfies both conditions perfectly. I have already promised to buy each a Weeks rocker of their own when they establish their own households in a few years. (So don't go and retire any time soon, please . . .)

I am attaching a photo, and I'm sure you will agree that the rocker has found an absolutely ideal place to be treasured (and shown off!).

Thanks again,


P.S. Please let Bela know how pleased I was to find her beautiful drawing atop the carton this morning. I am sending a thank you to her in the mail on Monday . . .

Durham, North Carolina

August 30, 2011

Delivered an hour ago. Looks great and is very comfortable. Thanks again for such a quality product.


Ps, we enjoyed the butterfly artwork from Bela.

August 25, 2011

The rocker arrived yesterday morning and mother M. and baby B. love it. As I have said, it has been such a pleasure for me to give them something made to be beautiful and comfortable by someone I know.

Thanks —

Houston, Texas

August 24, 2011

It arrived this morning and it is beautiful, full intact and undamaged — nice work


Huntersville, North Carolina

August 17, 2011

Gary --

The furniture arrived this morning, safe and sound — and looking beautiful. Plycon was careful and attentive, and I can see why you would want to use them.

We're delighted. Thanks again.


Brooklyn, New York

August 17, 2011

Hello Gary,

The rocker just arrived and is so beautiful! I thought you'd enjoy a photo of it on our porch facing the lake. We couldn't resist "starting" it there so we could read in it on a beautiful afternoon, before it goes into the living room.

It couldn't be more lovely. And we loved the artwork from your granddaughter!! Another budding artist in the family!

Many thanks!
B. and R.

Meredith, New Hampshire

August 16, 2011


Thanks so much for checking in. It did, indeed, arrive today, in perfect condition, while we are still waiting for Miss J. You have been tremendously helpful in working around my due date.

The rocker has the elegant lines and beautiful grain/smoothness I expected. I am delighted with how comfortable it is as well. Like many others in the review section, I fell asleep yesterday afternoon while testing it out.

Sleep, of late, has not been easy to come by, so this was pretty amazing. My significant other has been amused by how excited I've been about the arrival of this chair. This made it all the more gratifying when, after I made him sit down to try it, he didn't budge for almost an hour. He has a bad back, and really enjoyed the fit of the rocker. You have a new convert. He was also extremely impressed with the workmanship and agrees that this is the loveliest piece of furniture we own.

Have a great rest of the summer and I'm sure we'll be back for a matching rocker before too long, perhaps if/when number two is coming along.



June 11, 2011


We received the rocker yesterday, the same day we brought our baby boy home from the hospital — perfect timing! The rocker is absolutely beautiful and our little one has already enjoyed a number of rocking sessions in it — he's a fan too!

Thank you again for getting the rocker to us early, and of course, for the amazing craftsmanship that went into building it! It will be treasured in our family for years to come.

Blessings to you and your family,

Wheaton, Illinois

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