Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Beauty

August 02, 2006

Gary, thanks. The rocker and table are very beautiful — almost too beautiful to use. The mesquite and finish are amazing. Thanks for your offer for my son to visit. I want for him to visit. He is impressed by your design and workmanship as much as I am.


Colleyville, Texas

July 19, 2006

Hi, I finally received my chair today; they forgot to put it on the truck yesterday! It is lovely!!
I can't decide where to put it, it is beautiful and looks nice in the living room but I will use it more in the bedroom so I think that is where it will end up.

Thank you again,

Arcadia, California

July 12, 2006


I'm very happy with my chair! And I have been comfortably rocking since it got here yesterday morning. It's such a pleasure just to look at. My husband loves it as well!

We are really very proud of it — you did such a great job, as I knew you would. I'm looking forward to showing it to friends and family.

Thanks so much,

J.D. Dallas, Texas

June 23, 2006

Hello, my name is B.I., and I just recently placed an order with you. I received my husband's chair today (of course, he won't receive the chair until Sunday, as it's his birthday gift). I have to tell you we uncrated it and sat in it and I'm beyond impressed. It's absolutely beautiful. It came in absolutely perfect condition. I can't thank you enough for all your help. I appreciate it so much. Please use me as a reference if you ever need to. Thanks again.


Bell Canyon, California

June 12, 2006

Dear Gary Weeks and Company:

It has been about a year since I received delivery of my cherry rocker. Suffice to say I have never had second thoughts about my purchase. The chair is my home base for reading, relaxing, and even some reflecting. Even when not sitting, its joining of form and function always pleases the eye and elevates my expectations of what excellence is and might be. Thank you again for your work; know that it has become a part of our family.


Colchester, Vermont

June 11, 2006

Hi Gary,

We received the rocker on Thursday and are thrilled . . . It's beautiful and very comfortable . . . I'm sure the baby will love it as much as I.

Thanks again,

Tacoma, Washington

May 30, 2006

Hello Gary,

Thanks again for sending the felt pads, we received them today. I can now remove the unsightly blanket I put under the rocker.

When F. tore off the bubble wrap to expose the rich walnut wood we were all excited by what we saw. The wood grain and satin finish is sweet (OK exquisite). He thinks it's both comfortable and good looking. We are lucky to have one of your rockers.

F. said, "He plans to spend a lot of waking hours, as well as non-waking hours in the rocker".

Best regards,
M. and F.Y.

Chicago, Illinois

May 24, 2006

Gary, I can't thank you enough! The rocker is so, so beautiful and so, so comfortable. Husband C. sat in it first and promptly declared that it was "his," and we've had a lively (but friendly) tug-of-war about the chair ever since. We will truly treasure the chair, and it's been a great pleasure meeting and working with you. We'll come by to visit again when we are in Austin next year. Meanwhile, we send you our greatest gratitude and appreciation.

All the best,

Seattle, Washington

April 17, 2006

Dear Gary,

The chair arrived in perfect shape, and it is beautiful. We're very happy with it.

Thanks much,

San Anselmo, California

April 17, 2006

Gary —

I was away this weekend and so couldn't email, but the chair was delivered on Friday. It's beautiful and comfortable! Thank you so much!


Wallingford, Pennsylvania

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