Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Comfort

May 09, 2018


Thanks for the follow up email Gary — that is not necessary, but very much welcome and is an excellent display of customer service and satisfaction!

Jealous of your Italian sojourn, I am sure you returned well rested and well fed!

Regarding the rocker: yes — we very much realize now that the value in the piece is frankly lower than the asking price (while also recognizing that the true value would put the rocker out of our reach . . . so we've both come to appreciate your pricing!).

The only problem is that S now claims the rocker as her exclusive domain. Whereas we used to read nighttime stories together while rocking, I'm now relegated to an adjacent seat while S gets to rock comfortably by herself as she listens to the story! I guess it is her chair, ultimately, but I can't say I appreciate being kicked out of it! LOL.

Thanks again for the kind note! Until next time! (we've had our eye on your bar stools for a while now, and are waiting for some cash to free up)


Landenberg, Pennsylvania

May 08, 2018


I apologize for not responding the day my rocking chair, stool and table arrived (That day I wrote my feelings on a sticky note and stuck the note to my office phone. They exceeded all my expectations. They are beautiful, comfortable and have a quality that evokes feelings of harmony and peace within me. Plus, I love to sit in the chair, put my feet on the stool take a book from the table and read. In short you all have made me very happy. Thanks to all of you. It will all be used, but reverently.

Italy sounds great. A few years ago, J. and I spent a couple of weeks at Montestigliano, wonderful olive farm/villa 12 miles outside Siena. Hadn't been in Italy since '68 when I rode a Vespa all through Rome. Glad you got away and to such a special place. Curious to see if there is a Renaissance touch to future furniture.

Thanks again I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the process and love the result. I am bragging about "Gary Weeks and Company Furniture Makers" to everyone.


Flagstaff, Arizona

April 19, 2018

Dear Autumn,

My rocker and stool arrived yesterday in perfect condition.

I just wanted to tell you and Gary and whoever worked on these beautiful pieces how exquisite they are — perfectly stunning. The comfortable design, incredible craft, gorgeous use of the wood — they are works of art.

I may have mentioned that I am an amateur woodworker and while I'll never make a piece like these, my appreciation runs deep. When my daughter has children I hope she'll nurse them in this rocker. Or maybe I'll have to get her one for herself since I may not be willing to share.

Thank you, and all best wishes for your success,


Pennington, New Jersey

April 17, 2018

Hi Gary and Autumn

We received our rocking chairs on April 12th!!! Everything in perfect condition. They are so beautiful, elegant, simple and soooo comfortable, we love them!!! We have been really looking them over and are in awe at the beauty of the wood and the craftsmanship. They are first class all the way. Thank You so much! We sit in them every morning and early evening and in between too :) Oh, and we either look out the windows on the little Salmon River (maybe we see a bear or moose or eagle or Spring happening) or are sitting enjoying the fire in the woodstove. Perfect!

Best Regards
L.N. and J.N.

Gustavus, Alaska

March 27, 2018

Hi Autumn,

I just wanted to let you know that we received our Cherry Rocker today and my husband and I are completely thrilled!! The color is gorgeous, it's so comfortable and the workmanship and care your team has taken in crafting it is evident throughout. I'm just imagining the hours we'll spend rocking our little girl (who is due in 4 weeks!) in the years to come. It's a piece we'll treasure forever — thank you so much!!

I'm also going to pass along to my parents, my wish to have one of the Harris Stools for my birthday too.
If you hear from C.R. in the near future, that's us!!

I hope you have a great evening. Please let your crew know how wonderful their work is!


Sacramento, California

March 10, 2018

Hi Gary,

Thank you for the kind note. Our experience with your company has been great. Autumn did a wonderful job answering all of our questions and building that confidence, plus I really appreciated the ease of paying online with PayPal.

The chair your team designed and built is perfect for us; which is impressive as I am 6'5" and my spouse is barely 5'. Its arrival in our home has created a new house rule: "You move your feet, you loose your seat". If someone gets up from the chair, someone else will instantly sit in it.

We look forward to many more purchases from your company!

D.G. & M.G.

Mississauga, Ontario

February 25, 2018

My walnut rocking chair has been delivered and I am sitting in it as I type this. I love how the back slats conform to my old back and I enjoy rocking away. The workmanship is outstanding. Haven't found one rough spot on it. My husband, a very critical furniture person, cannot find anything negative to say about it. He loves the walnut as do I. I do believe this is now a family heirloom. My husband thinks he might want one but he has a little difficulty standing up from it. He has had knee surgery recently, so I think that might be the problem. My only question now, do I need to keep it oiled down or polished? Even the delivery man was oohing and aahing over it as he helped me take it out of the packing.


Wood River, Illinois

January 22, 2018

Gary, hi. This message is a bit delayed. Yes, we did receive the rocking chair. It arrived in good condition. It looks great in our home and it is a comfortable to both my wife and I. The few people we have shown it to so far also have been impressed by its form — It really is a great looking chair. We're happy with our purchase and excited that we didn't have to wait 3 months to get it (though we're not sure why the folks down in So. Cal. passed on it).

Next time we're down in Austin maybe we'll work out a way to come by and see your shop. I'd be excited to see it. Will check in on the website from time to time to see if you post anything new from time to time and to see how you update the site in the near future as you mentioned wanting to pursue when we talked a few weeks back.

Thank you.


Walnut Creek, California

December 21, 2017

Sorry you are beating me to the punch, Gary. I meant to contact Autumn on Tuesday when the rocker arrived. It is absolutely beautiful and unbelievably comfortable. I couldn't be happier with it! My grandson is coming over for the first time today so we will rock in peace together.

Thank you for your excellent work. Keep it up! I will spread the word about you guys.

Merry Christmas to you and all there.

M.S . & S.S.

Chicago, Illinois

December 11, 2017

Mr. Weeks — You are amazing! Incredible product support! Wow! I have continued my chair experiments. I believe the problem is with my oriental rug. I have tried the chair in various locations . . . but always facing the television. It occurred to me that perhaps the rug has a nap that might interfere, so I turned the chair's back to the tv. Behold! It travels in the opposite direction! Have you ever heard of this problem before? I fear I may be watching tv at right angles from now on.

Thanks again for the offer to look at the chair, but I don't think it is necessary. If you have any ideas for rug-nap-suppression, I would love to hear them!

BTW, for your amusement, you should know that I have mentioned my Weeks chairs in my will. Don't want my kids selling them at a garage sale! Thanks again!


Austin, Texas

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