Comments from our Patrons
Category: Rocking Chair - Comfort
November 19, 2017
This arrived in perfect condition. And it's just beautiful! I really like the woodgrain and color. I will take a day or two to decide if I'm shipping the walnut rocker back, that we spoke about. They are both so comfortable that I hate giving one up!
For some weird reason, as I got into my older years, I gravitate toward handmade wood objects. Furniture. Small carvings. Netsuke.
I just can't seem to get enough. It might just be the "collector" in me (which is an insidious disease, by the way — says the man with 200 small carvings!!).
I think it's an inner desire to, somehow, stay connected to the planet and Mother Nature.
Not that I'm one of those "mystical" folks. I think of them more as sculptures and works of art.
Maybe I'm making amends to myself for never having taken the time to develop a craft. Your woodworking skills must give you a great deal of personal joy.
I just read a book called "Why We Make Things and Why It Matters" by Peter Korn, in an effort to understand this fascination of mine.
I will say this — and I know you've heard it before — nobody builds a more-comfortable rocker than you do.
One of the few I've sat in that I do not immediately think "Gee . . . I need a cushion or two."
Your rocker reminds me of the hugs my mother used to give me as a child when I sat in her lap being rocked to sleep or comforted after some small malady.
That's the best way I can describe it. It's like being hugged while sitting in Mama's lap.
I'm 64 years young, and she's been long-gone since I was 12 (I was a very late child, and a bit of a surprise — they almost named me "Boo!"). :-)
Next to a very nice antique radio I bought on eBay, this is the only furniture I really care about.
Good job!
Once again — thanks...
G.O.Hyattsville, Maryland
October 25, 2017
Hi Gary, The rocker arrived in perfect condition. The delivery guy was friendly and helpful. I love the chair. It is a great place to sit and beautiful to look at.
J.P.Moses Lake, Washington
September 29, 2017
Mr. Weeks,
The rocker arrived safe and sound. As before, it is extremely comfortable and the workmanship is excellent.
L.G.York, Pennsylvania
September 18, 2017
Hello Gary (and company!),
My curly cherry rocker, footstool, and side table arrived a bit earlier and we just finished unpacking everything. Every piece is in perfect condition (kudos to your packers!) and — just simply — beautiful.
I've started saving for a dining table and chairs!
I love having such amazing functional, comfortable art — thank you, thank you, thank you!
C.S.Cape Coral, Florida
September 07, 2017
Hello Gary,
I just landed in NYC from London to your kind note. Thank you. L. and I enjoyed meeting you and Leslie and our time together with Austin. I wish you could have met my older son Z. who toured the workshop at the start of the process. As a new college freshman pursuing engineering management, he was inspired by the intersection of form and function as well as the aspect of a family business all present in your company. L. has often mentioned the machines he saw which is notable as he is a deep thinker who has an economy with words.
I am thrilled with the chair and it is truly worthy of the occasion which I failed to mention — my 26th wedding anniversary. I have included three pictures below. Austin has a gift for selecting and bringing out the figure and grain and I found the chair to be as comfortable as it is beautiful. It is a fine compliment to my historic desk and a great conversation piece for our new home. I could not be more pleased and it is especially meaningful that this comes from a family in our town. Thanks one and all for all they did to make this heirloom a welcome addition to our family.
PS – please feel to post these photos per your newsletter in the "Patron Photo" section and enter us in the drawing. It was a pleasure to read of your company and milestone. Keep the letters coming. Again, thanks!
Miles Christi sum,
D.E.Wimberley, Texas
July 24, 2017
When we found out Ramona was pregnant in 2005, I went on a hunt for the perfect rocking chair. I found Gary Weeks and Company Furnituremakers.
They made the audacious claim that if it wasn't the most comfortable chair you had ever sat in, send it back, they'd pay shipping both ways.
When the crate finally arrived, it, the crate, was built better than most furniture I've ever seen. The chair itself is beyond compare. It's elegant, and solid. It rocks beautifully. And I spent many a night rocking my daughter to sleep in it.
And yes, it's the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in. And it's one of the most beautiful things I own. It will be in the family for generations.
W.D.Hailey, Idaho
June 17, 2017
The chair and stool got here in perfect shape. And the chair sits wonderfully! Thank you so much for your crafsmanship and dedication to excellence. America needs more of you. I will happily recommend you to any and all. Please pass along to your son and other employees my thanks.
I do hope we can meet some day.
My very best,
J. B.Cornelia, Georgia
May 31, 2017
I apologize for not writing sooner — it has been a bit of a whirlwind since we picked it up on Saturday. We only opened it last night. We thought we would try not to but we just couldn't resist taking it out of the crate. It is exquisite . . . I love how the grains match so beautifully. It is truly a work of art.
Of course, we could not resist sitting in it if only briefly and oh my, it is so comfortable. It holds the body just so . . . as if it were made to measure for each one who sits in it. No doubt our family will spend long hours daydreaming in that perfect chair. Indeed, I write stories for my grandchildren and I can already feel one coming on about the magic rocker that will take you anywhere your imagination can go; the magic rocker that fits every body just so. Imagine the adventures that will be had for generations in that perfect chair!
We haven't given the gift yet as we will present it to them on their wedding which is June 21, 2017. Honestly, we are tempted to keep it so it is a good thing the initials are on the chair as we can't hide the fact that it is actually for F.!! We do know that they will love it as much as we do and that it will become a family heirloom.
Oh and I should add that I did not end up having to pay duty. The very kind Canadian Border Officer asked me what was in the crate and I told her the truth. The perfect rocker, hand made in Texas and a wedding gift. She smiled and said have a nice day and a beautiful wedding. So despite a moment of confusion your perfect rocker is already creating good relations!
Many, many thanks
B. & familyVancouver, British Columbia
April 20, 2017
Good Morning Austin,
My walnut rocker arrived in Sisters, Oregon yesterday in perfect condition.
When I ordered this rocker, I told you that I had a very bad lower back and there was a good possibility that the chair wouldn't work for me. You said that it wasn't a problem and that if the chair wasn't comfortable, I could send it back for a refund.
My purpose in writing you today is to tell you that this chair is NEVER going to be returned. My wife was the first to sit in it. She sat down and said, "Oh My God, this is so comfortable." When I sat in it, I had the same thought.
I spent most of yesterday afternoon sitting in the chair marveling at how good it felt. The chair is beautiful. The chair is comfortable. What more could I ask for?
Thank you for making this chair for me.
D. S.Sisters, Oregon
April 13, 2017
Hello Gary Weeks and Company!
I purchased one of your rocking chairs back in 1998 right before the birth of our first child. In fact, it's rocker #341. I am so proud of my chair and LOVE sitting in it! In fact, it's in our bedroom, so I look at it every day!! When we have guests visit, I make sure they sit in it and you know what they always say? Well, you guys know! "It's so incredibly comfortable!!!" So, you know we are huge fans of your work!
. . . And Gary, I called you about a year ago, looking for a Texas woodworker who made wooden urns — not sure if you remember me. You gave me a number that lead me here and there, but we eventually finally found someone in the Austin area. He handmade us a beautiful urn for my father-in-law's ashes.
It sits on a shelf in our living room and it is such a beautiful and special piece. So, thanks for helping us find someone!
K. L.Magnolia, Texas
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