Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Comfort

November 08, 2012

Hi Gary,

Our Rocker arrived on schedule in flawless condition. The packing preformed as expected, no damage what-so-ever. Be assured both my wife and I are completely happy with the Rocker and expect it to provide countless hours of comfortable leisure time. I may be ordering a foot stool in the near future but haven't decided at this point if I need that addition. From time to time as I relax in this finely crafted chair I have flashbacks to our visit to your shop. Thanks again for taking time to show us around. This is one transaction I'll remember as receiving my monies worth. If I may be so bold, may I suggest you modify your title to "Fine Furnituremakers" ?

From the Show-Me-State,

Plattsburg, Missouri

November 08, 2012

Gary —

You are the Earl Scruggs of fine rocking chairs. The chair, the stool and table are all individually terrific and even better of a set. I had just gotten back from town and let the dogs out at the very moment the truck pulled up in front. The walnut rocker resides on its own dedicated Navajo rug where I can simultaneously rock, work the crossword puzzle, listen to Willies Roadhouse and keep an eye on the sheep. As with S.'s curly maple rocker, the little border terrier (Fergie, the Wonder Dog) likes to jump on my lap. When we rock she gets a huge grin on her face. Thanks again for the superb rockers, stool and table.


Springfield, Illinois

November 05, 2012


Just to let all there know that the chairs received numerous compliments on the selection and placement of grain patterns, as well as on their superior comfort. We would recommend them to anyone anywhere. Feel free to share our comments with potential future clients.

Orinda, California

P.S. I told my 2 boys NOT to throw them out after I pass to the Great Beyond. Now they're trying to decide which 2 chairs to claim for themselves!
(all in good fun!)

Orinda, California

October 19, 2012


Thanks for your email. Yes, the rocker and footstool arrived on Tuesday. The furniture is beautiful, comfortable, and everything we had hoped for. We are really enjoying it!

Thanks for following-up.

Best regards,

Coral Gables, Florida

September 12, 2012

Dear Gary and Company,

The table, chairs, and barstools are absolutely beautiful! The "custom" Paschall Table met and exceeded our expectations for an artfully crafted, unique, comfortable, and substantial presence in our new kitchen.

The P.

Austin, Texas

August 30, 2012

Hi Gary,

I got it Wednesday and am sitting in it now. It is beautiful to look at and comfortable, too. It arrived safely and I am enjoying it.


Ottawa Hills, Ohio

August 15, 2012


The rocker arrived yesterday, unharmed from its long journey from Texas. Even the box it was shipped in looked good: Some child, either at your end or en route, decorated the box with crayon drawings of a butterfly and a ladder!

The rocker looks great in our 1850 schoolhouse home, and the pleasure I get from sitting in it is almost embarrassing. The wood is so sensuous to touch, and I sit transfixed by the little "flaws" in the grain, which stare back at me like little eyes. For me, sitting in it is both relaxing and energizing. I can lean my head against the back and hold a cup of coffee in my lap, the chair arms beveled perfectly for that restful position, but soon I find that I'm rocking slightly, and that gets me to thinking . . . and then to a sense of "OK, there's work to be done." Even a little rocking energizes my legs.

We're going to have a bunch of visitors today, and I can't wait to have them "have a sit."

You've created a beautiful piece of work that I am grateful to own.


Montpelier, Vermont

August 07, 2012


Rocker arrived safely this morning. I love it, absolutely beautiful! It fits me perfectly. The whole process from order to actually sitting in my chair has exceeded my expectations.

Thanks so much,

Bethesda, Maryland

July 20, 2012

Hi Gary,

YES! We have received the rocking chair! We love it! As promised, it is the most comfortable rocker we've ever sat in. And besides that, it's beautiful!

We have no idea how you can make a rocking chair with measurements to please everyone — but you have — and we are grateful!

I am sitting in the rocking chair as I write this message! We are very excited about the baby arriving in a few weeks — the baby already seems to like the chair. As soon as E. gets up from rocking, the baby starts bumping around.

Thank you!
N. and E.

P.S. There was some lovely artwork on the box. We enjoyed the pink castle and ? battle ? — there seemed to be a bow and arrow involved. Do all shipments come with complimentary artwork? :)

Corvalis, Oregon

July 17, 2012


The chair arrived yesterday in perfect condition. I have been sitting in it as often as possible since that time. It is everything I thought it would be.

In December of last year, I injured my back caring for my 91 year old mother. I have been trying to rehabilitate my back since returning home in late January. Sitting in your chair feels so good to my back. Thank you.


Longmont, Colorado

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