Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Comfort

December 28, 2007


Chair arrived, safe and sound. Elegant. Extraordinarily comfortable. Beautifully made.

Many thanks.

Lake Hill, New York

December 19, 2007

Hi to the Weeks family. I do have one problem with my rocking chair: my husband won't get out of it. It looks like it will severely test our ability to share.

It is truly a work of art. He likes to pet it too.


Nixa, Missouri

December 12, 2007

Dear Gary

We have enjoyed your/our rocking chair for nearly a year now, and without a doubt, it is the most comfortable rocker in existence!.

The chair has been much admired, but none of our friends have been brave enough to order one, despite my assurances as to how easy it is and what incredible value it is with the present exchange rate.

Anyway, this is just a short note to say thanks again to you and your team.

Happy Christmas!

Birmingham, England

November 01, 2007

We love the chair; it is beautiful and comfortable, just as advertised.

M. & P.H.

Carlsbad, California

October 12, 2007

My chair arrived in perfect condition. It exceeds all expectations —beautiful in contour and in workmanship — a feast for my eyes and comfort for my back as well as a perfect fit for my bottom! Many thanks!!!!


Birmingham, Alabama

September 27, 2007

Sorry to be so slow in getting back to you — we have been out of town. However, we were here when our chairs arrived promptly and in excellent condition. They sit even better than I remember and my husband, who was just a tad dubious about what I was doing, declared them to be "really comfortable" about five minutes after they arrived. And they are just as beautiful as they are comfortable. It is great that there are still artisans like you out there plying your craft. We know we will be sitting pretty for years to come.


Brydstown, Tennessee

September 20, 2007

The chair is a work of art. We are really enjoying the comfort and the back and forth. It is tremendous therapy for a replacement knee.

Many Thanks!

Denton, Texas

September 18, 2007

Dear Aubrey, Gary and Staff,

The chair arrived yesterday . . . Oh how beautiful!! . . . and how amazingly comfortable it is!? Wow!

Until my next order, Thank you! Thank you!


P.S. — The babies are scheduled to be delivered on Friday!

Davenport, Iowa

August 22, 2007


The rocker arrived as scheduled. The truck came while R. was at the grocery and I was able to hide it before she returned. We opened the box the next day. We were very pleased with what we removed from the box. R., our family and I thought the chair was the most beautful and comfortable we had seen. We have two more grandchildren on the way, we will rock babies for many pleasant hours.


Spartanburg, South Carolina

August 20, 2007

Hi Gary,

Got the curly cherry rocker this morning. There was no damage and the chair is beautiful. Very nice work and a pleasure to sit in. Thanks so much for being so dependable and easy to work with. Hope to do more business someday. Thanks again for beautiful and comfortable rocker.


Walker, Missouri

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