Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Craftsmanship

June 01, 2016

Hi Gary and Becca — the rocker is a huge success. My wife was quite surprised and loves it already. I enjoy running my hand along the incredibly silky smooth wood as I walk by and marvel at the craftsmanship. That's a really good shipping company that you guys work with as well. Again, we couldn't be happier with our Gary Weeks rocking chair.


Ft. Collins, CO

May 25, 2016

Dear Mr. Weeks.

We have had many good conversations in the past. Our chairs are still a blessing to our family and the Rocker is the highlight of the living room.

The Mesquite Rocker can sit in a cabin in the wilderness or in the White House and wouldn't be out of place in either!
It's a Gary Weeks!

Your friend,

Mannington, WV

April 26, 2016


The rocker came today and it is gorgeous and is so comfortable! I am very impressed that it does indeed fit perfectly. All the research you all did to discover the perfectly ergonomic rocking chair is incredibly rewarding. (All for your consumers!) Please tell all at the shop that they are indeed the best craftsmen ever! The beauty and the fit are unmatched anywhere.


Peoria, IL

April 15, 2016

Hi Gary . . .

I so love your rocking chair, as does everyone who goes rocking in it! It is art, beauty and comfort all in one.


Union City, NJ

March 16, 2016


Hope this e-mail finds you all doing great.
Today my rocking chair arrived. What a great day! It arrived in perfect condition. The trucker was great and very interested in ordering a chair from you folks. I gave him your information.
Now, the chair is gorgeous!! Walnut matches are perfect.
Color is fantastic. I can not complain about anything!
Upon first sitting on the rocker my body just melted into the chair and I have only gotten up to let you folks know how wonderful this chair is (you probably already know this)
Thank you soo very much.


Newcastle, CA

March 15, 2016

Taken from Yelp:

I bought the Mesquite rocker from Gary weeks about 5 yrs ago; it is a work of art and by far the most comfortable rocker I have ever had. The craftsmanship is terrific and the wood lovely, it is a well engineered product. Further, Gary and Co. stand behind their product. I recently had a break in one of the rockers and when I contacted them, they stood behind their warranty and arranged a repair. They crafted a new rocker and made sure that it was repaired correctly by a craftsman they knew and trusted in my location. That kind of integrity is hard to come by now days. Thanks Gary! I'm back in the rocker again and couldn't be happier.


Albuquerque, NM

March 03, 2016

Gary, Becca, and Staff,

I received my cherry rocker today and, like the previous one I ordered several years ago, it is exquisite! It truly is perfect in every detail.
Your chairs are one of the few things in life that are crafted to be handed down to generations, as this one will. I have gifted my older chair to my best friend and life partner who, I'm sure, will pass it down to her beautiful family.

I have a very small condominium and when guests visit, they invariably gravitate to your chair. Everyone remarks how beautiful it is and simply can't believe a wooden rocker can be so comfortable. Honestly, your chair should be displayed in the Smithsonian!!

I'm so glad I decided to have you dowel and spline the chair in maple. A small thing to some, perhaps, but it seems to add an even greater artisan touch to your rocker. As the cherry darkens with age, those details will become even more beautiful.

Thank you again for crafting a piece of artisan furniture that comforts the body and speaks to the soul. Those who own one of your rockers will resonate with that statement.

Warmest Regards

Everett, WA

March 02, 2016

Good Morning Gary

Thank you for the very good experience of ordering and receiving the rocker from you. Along with the good craftsmanship of the rocker I am confident my Mom and many members of the family will enjoy the peaceful moment of rocking in your beautiful chair. Many thanks again.

Best regards,

Hong Kong, China

February 20, 2016

We love it. It is handsome, and more importantly, it's comfortable for each of us. Good work! Artful and magically ergonomic.

B. & C.

Kansas City, MO

December 30, 2015

The chair made it to our home in perfect condition. It is a joy just to see and touch the work of art! (my husband is in awe of the finish . . . he wonders what oil you used).

I am a little bony so I do feel more comfortable with a quilt folded over the back and seat. I think the rocking is perfect on the hard floor, but more difficult on the carpet.

Both of my sons-in-law loved the chair. One is now looking for a used one on line. He wondered if ever one is returned, do you sell them?

Anyway, I am enjoying sitting and rocking when I get the chance.

Merry Christmas to you all!

St. Augustine, FL

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