Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Craftsmanship

March 23, 2013

Gary, I did a web search for hand crafted rocking chairs to find you. I am pleased with the quality and workmanship. Thank you!


Poynette, Wisconsin

March 22, 2013


Yes, the chair arrived yesterday. Thanks for inquiring. My wife and I both love it. I am sitting in it right now and find it quite comfortable. The cherry wood is gorgeous and the finish is silky smooth. We really appreciate fine American craftsmanship.

Best regards,

P.S. My son said, "I have never sat in a wooden chair that is this comfortable. It's a really nice chair!" I agree. A perfect chair for desk work and reading.

March 15, 2013

Hello Gary,

The rocking chair with foot stool and side table arrived yesterday in good order. Your craftsmen have created a beautiful furniture set that is a pleasure to view and touch and will be enjoyed for years to come.

Thank you,

Chassell, Michigan

February 15, 2013

Dear Gary,

My rocker was delivered today. It is truly beautiful, a work of art to be sure. I love how you centered the grain of the wood on the top cross piece and the seat. The color is lovely and will become even more so. I will enjoy it in my living room, but also it will be easy to move to the sun room in the summer.

Please don't take the following as a complaint, or even a shortcoming of your chair, but only an observation, which if enough people make (which I doubt) you may want to consider as a potential custom item. I would prefer a gentler deeper/longer? rocking motion. I guess that would be accomplished by a shallower arc to the rocker . . . but that might compromise the overall visual effect, which is beautiful as it is.

Thank you and your staff for your wonderful art.


Rochester, New York

February 04, 2013


You are quite welcome, and many thanks to you for such fine work on the chair. I spent quite a bit of time in the chair this weekend for some mandatory baby book reading and it's fantastic.

The attention to detail on all of the aspects of the chair are second to none, so now I've got a high bar to contend with once my woodworking is underway.

I'll keep in touch and let you know how things are progressing.

A. & B.

Austin, Texas

January 15, 2013


It is always a pleasure writing you a check for the privilege of enjoying your craftsmanship.


McLean, Virginia

January 07, 2013

Thank you — We received the footstool and love it too! We are consistently pleased with your fine craftmanship! Enjoying both now while we wait for the Grand Baby!

Thanks again.

Chico, California

December 28, 2012

Hi Gary,

We received the rocker and it now graces our home. I consider it a work of art.

Happy New Year,
the K's.

Bainbridge, Washington

December 27, 2012

Hi Gary,

Omissions of communication during holy days and holidays never require excuses. My wife and I love the cherry rocker and stool. You charge far too little for the work — it sits impressively next to our other very well made furniture.

A review in greater depth will come in the next few weeks after we attempt to rock the eventual new addition to the family to sleep.

Best regards to the Weeks family and Happy New Year,

Great Neck, New York

December 21, 2012

Gary, the rocking chair arrived about 5 our time last night in perfect condition. Everyone is delighted. It is such a handsome piece of craftsmanship. Thank you for your help. I was surprised to find the flexible material on the bottom of the rockers. A nice addition. It will protect the wood floors and be very quiet. Merry Christmas! You certainly made one here.

Thanks again.
J. and B.

Virginia Beach, Virginia

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