Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Craftsmanship

August 20, 2012


We did indeed. Thank you for making a great product.


Midland, Texas

August 20, 2012

Thank you, they are very well crafted. She will love them.


Industry, Texas

August 15, 2012


The rocker arrived yesterday, unharmed from its long journey from Texas. Even the box it was shipped in looked good: Some child, either at your end or en route, decorated the box with crayon drawings of a butterfly and a ladder!

The rocker looks great in our 1850 schoolhouse home, and the pleasure I get from sitting in it is almost embarrassing. The wood is so sensuous to touch, and I sit transfixed by the little "flaws" in the grain, which stare back at me like little eyes. For me, sitting in it is both relaxing and energizing. I can lean my head against the back and hold a cup of coffee in my lap, the chair arms beveled perfectly for that restful position, but soon I find that I'm rocking slightly, and that gets me to thinking . . . and then to a sense of "OK, there's work to be done." Even a little rocking energizes my legs.

We're going to have a bunch of visitors today, and I can't wait to have them "have a sit."

You've created a beautiful piece of work that I am grateful to own.


Montpelier, Vermont

August 06, 2012

We received the maple rocker on Friday. It is both a museum piece and a perfectly functional piece of furniture. Thanks! One note. While this rocker was not harmed (a slight roughness on the bottom of one rocker in a short stretch), the bubble wrap had worn through at the very bottom of the chair and the wood of the rocker had been rubbing on the cardboard. No problem for us, but I wanted you to know. The outside of the box was perfect. Thanks again.


Ft. Wayne, Indiana

July 11, 2012

Dear Gary,

Thank you! Your chairs were delivered yesterday to my parents (with great care, I'm told), and as you can see in the picture, they were very well received. :) As my Mom's subject implies, these chairs have found a permanent home. :)

My parents insist that despite their being made for outdoor use, that these chairs are simply too beautiful to consider having outside. Both of my parents are amazed at both the design and the comfort.

We'll be joining them in Ohio over the weekend, and look forward to seeing these up close (and perhaps even stealing a few minutes in one). :)

Thanks again for everything . . . all of your correspondence and help with the purchase, and of course, the quality of your product!

With gratitude,

Bakersfield, California

July 07, 2012

The furniture arrived on Thursday as they promised.

That was a hefty packaging job on your part. The chair looks beautiful (as do the stool and table, too). I've sat in it the past two days and find myself sighing as I relax. And even my dog loves sitting on my lap when I'm in the chair (although he loves sitting on my lap wherever I'm sitting).

Thanks for your craftsmanship and attention.

Oakpark, Illinois

July 05, 2012

The rocking chair and footstool arrived this afternoon just as I was making a cup of tea, so naturally I unpacked the chair (yielding me enough bubble wrap to last the rest of my life!) and enjoyed my tea while I sat in it.

I am 5'10" tall, and the chair fits perfectly, just as your website said it would. The only smoother finish I have ever felt is a new baby's bottom . . . I am looking forward to many years of reading, resting and rocking in the chair, and I thank you for the craftsmanship that it encompasses. It was worth the wait and all the saving up for this treat! . . .

With thanks and best wishes —

Sharon, Connecticut

June 15, 2012


I've had your beautiful furniture for nearly two months now, and it just keeps getting better!

My friends A. and J., Air Force friends for 40 years, who live up front in the Big House, come by most mornings for coffee and a peaceful rock and some entertainment from the birds and squirrels just outside our screened deck. It is glorious!

I dwelled long and hard on this purchase, and checked out a bunch of rocker-makers. None of them were really within my budget, but I couldn't be happier with my little extravagance. I've already forgot about the expense. I'm particularly happy that I wound up choosing your firm. Though your chairs are a little less "swoopy than many of the Maloof Replicas, I usually follow my Mom's dictum, "Simple and Elegant". Your furniture is indeed that, in spades.

Your short video online helped me make up my mind. It is very informative and I could readily see how much thought you have given to development of the rockers. Your easy style, and manner is very charming.

A word on comfort: I try to spend a little time about sunrise out on the deck reading I always am amazed that I never get figgidy or uncomfortable in any way, though sitting on a piece of hard wood! The sculpture of the seat is perfect for my old frame. If I were to change anything, it would be to lower the arms, perhaps an inch, but that's really nit-picking, and may say more about my proportions. Last evening Jim, who had been outside rocking for awhile, said, "Do you ever fall asleep in that chair?" I think one of your beauties will be on the Christmas List for my friends!

I haven't had the time to enjoy the comfort and rocking serenity that I'd like lately. I've been re-building the old bridge you see in the attached photo. It's a pretty big job for this old novice, but I'm enjoying the process. The bridge is front and center in my otherwise lovely view from my rocker, and it will soon be seriously enhanced.

Thank you again for the personal time and communication during my evaluation process and waiting time. It is most appreciated, and rather uncommon these days.


J. Loxley, Alabama

June 06, 2012

Some people think I am off my rocker. Now I can ask them, "which one"?

The Curley maple and the cherry look great as a pair. Dorothy loves them both. They are the focal point of the house.

Work of art is an understatement. They are beautiful.

Thank you all,

Bridgeport, California

June 04, 2012


Allison and Michael received the rocker, unpacked it yesterday, are thrilled and appear to be vying for "practice sitting" hours in preparation for rocking their newborn in September.

Thank you so much for (1) creating this piece of art and (2) taking great care to make sure it arrived in Chicago safely.


Bastrop, Texas

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