Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Craftsmanship

March 27, 2007

Hi Gary,

The rocker and stool arrived today and all I can say is "WOW"! After unpacking I sat and rocked awhile. The longer I rocked the More comfortable I got — it truly felt as if I melted right into the chair. The stool is also very comfortable, both as a foot rest and as a seat. And Beautiful — the construction, the graining of the cherry — I can't compliment you enough. Thank you so much, You have made Grandma and future Grandbaby very happy.


Louisville, Kentucky

March 26, 2007


My rocker was indeed delivered Monday by a very nice deliveryman. The box, and the rocker inside, were in fine condition.

First, my rocking credentials: I have always had a bit of a rocking compulsion (it must be genetic, because my mother is the same way). As far back as I can remember, I have rocked in whatever chair I happened to be sitting in, whether or not it was intended to be a rocker. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that I have owned and worn out more rocking chairs than the average person will sit in in his or her lifetime.

I note all this only so that when I say that my Weeks Rocker is far and away the best rocking chair I have ever experienced, you will get the full import of my words. As soon as I uncrated the rocker and sat in it, my first remark was "Whoever designed this chair loves to rock." I had read all the testimonials on your website, but even so I was honestly amazed at the way the chair truly cradles and supports my body (for the record, I'm 6'1" and about 185 pounds). Actually, I scoffed at the comments from people who claimed to have fallen asleep in their rockers; however, later on the first night after mine arrived, I found myself so relaxed in it that I had a hard time staying awake. Even my wife, who doesn't share my enthusiasm for rocking and who considered my previous rocking chairs to be little more than eyesores, found my Weeks rocker to be both beautiful to look at and incredibly comfortable to sit in.

I am so thrilled that the weeks of waiting and anticipation paid off so well, and I am looking forward to enjoying my rocker for, well, the rest of my life! Once our new house is pulled together a bit more, I will forward pictures. Feel free to add my testimonial to your website if you like.

Thanks so much —

Apex, North Carolina

March 08, 2007


I meant to email you last night . . . The rocker arrived, and the box was damaged BUT the rocker is in perfect condition so everything is great. We love the rocker . . . I didn't realize how big it was (a good thing – I'm 6'1" and it fits me perfectly). It's very good looking and obviously well-designed . . . it almost rocks by itself! I'm glad there are still craftsmen like you who create genuine quality furniture.

Thank you,

New York, New York

March 05, 2007

Dear Gary,

I am the very fortunate recipient of your incredible rocking chair. I must thank you for a number of reasons.

Firstly, as a taller mom-to-be I cannot thank you enough for the pitch perfect proportions presented through your chair. I cannot ever remember my back position feeling better as the lumbar support is exactly where it should be. Secondly, that this was the gift chosen by my beloved partner suggests he understands me completely and we shall have a lifetime of memories with this chair as the backdrop.

. . . Everytime I sit in your chair I am reminded of the good times; the beauty, the excitement and the integrity that good design can bring to ones existence. That there are fewer of you able to do this only makes you more special.

In a David vs. Goliath world, I congratulate you and your family on your beautiful work and the impressive feat of succeeding both in business and in art.

Best wishes and continued success!

B.Q. Vancouver, Canada

February 28, 2007

Dear Gary,

Thank you for your email and nice comment. The mountain has been a sacred place for more than 1000 years as is Mt. Fuji. Nowadays, however, people visit these places just for fun.

The rocking chair arrived safely this morning. The chair is more than I expected. First of all, it fits my body so well. The artistic curvature, especially the back, impressed me a lot. Now I can rock in this chair at night and enjoy a special liqueur made by me with wild blueberries, which I picked at the top of Hakusan (the white mountain) just before snowfall. I witnessed that bears were fond of these blueberries, and ate huge amount just before hibernation.

Sakai-shi, Fukui, Japan

P.S., Your work is marvelous and survives ages. In contrast, although there are so many scientists, the majority of their work are forgotten as soon as they report their research.

Sakai-shi, Fukui, Japan

January 30, 2007


We did indeed receive the rocker last night.

It is indeed a work of art.

My wife was very pleased with it and it fits her great.

We look forward to many good hours in it with the new baby.

Thank you for your prompt email communication and professionalism.


Durham, North Carolina

January 19, 2007


They received the chair and are enjoying it more than they expected. I had the pleasure of seeing it on Saturday and have to admit that the craftsmanship is superb!! The chair will complement the back porch of their soon to be built home quite perfectly. After completion of the house, a second rocker may be in order . . . I'll keep you posted. Again, thank you for such a unique and extraordinary piece of art.


Houston, Texas

January 16, 2007

We unpacked the rocker last night. The wood is beautiful and workmanship is outstanding. The chair will be a lasting memory for our 22 anniversary. I wish I was home sitting in it now. I look forward to one day bringing it back to Texas.


Murfreesboro, Tenneesee

January 12, 2007

Good Friday morning, Gary!

Given to me as a birthday present by my husband, your (now MINE!) rocking chair is the most beautiful, most comfortable piece of furniture we have every seen! It is obvious that it has been expertly crafted by caring hands from extraordinary selections of wood. It is quite perfect! It is the only chair that my oddly crooked tailbone has ever felt comfortably resting in!

Delivery went without a hitch, as the delivery man helped me unscrew, cut, tear and uncover this work of art that will be treasured for generations!

In fact, we are so impressed, we are considering purchasing some of your dining room furniture. Would you be able to send us a sample of the "hand-planed" surface? Or, if not possible, could you email a photo of this option to us?

Fine job on your website, as well! It is chock full of useful information!

Many thanks and best wishes!

West Hartford, Connecticut

December 22, 2006


I could tell by the cardboard and wood crate that you made to ship the chair, that I was about to appreciate what you had put together inside that crate. Maybe it was because the feet on the platform of the crate were made from scraps of walnut! Or possibly, because these days I'm not used to seeing such a carefully protected package sent via truck freight. While unscrewing the crate, I knew then, the quality and the care you take in your production.

Thanks for the wonderful rocker, it's everything I expected and more than I deserve . . . but I'm still gonna enjoy it. And thank you for the attentiveness and friendliness you extended for such a small order.

If you could be so kind as to mail me out a few additional Gary Weeks & Company furniture catalogs, I'd like to pass them along to some local friends. Thanks again, and the previous invitation is always open to you in this part of the northern left coast.

Enjoy your holidays.

Caspar, CA

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