Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Rocking Chair

August 05, 2021

Thanks, Gary. The footstool arrived and we are enjoying it.

Thanks for your great craftsmanship and support!


Seattle, Washington 

August 04, 2021

Hi Gary!

Thank you for your lovely note, from one grandparent to another. :)

I am feeling proud of myself as a grandmother for purchasing a Weeks Rocker for my daughter L. and her husband A. to celebrate the birth of their first child. What a perfect idea for us to give them that rocking chair, and what a spectacular job you and your team did creating it! It's truly amazing--a beautiful, functional centerpiece in their home. Whenever I head over to their house to wallow in my grandma role, I spend nearly the entire visit sitting in that lovely, comfortable rocker. And I hear that when I'm not there hogging it, it is enjoyed by L. and A. and Baby H. almost continuously.

A couple of weeks after H. was born, her other grandparents (A.'s parents) came out from South Dakota to visit and meet her. L. said the VERY first words uttered upon their arrival, walking into the house, were by A.'s dad (an artist), who gasped and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, WHERE did you get that CHAIR? I have never seen anything so well made. It's truly a work of art.” ... and for the duration of their 4-day visit they were rocking H. in it, taking turns.

Please share our grateful story with your team. I'm sure one of the wonderful aspects of working at Gary Weeks & Company is the opportunity to make beautiful things for real people who treasure them every single day, which we absolutely do. Thank you all

Best regards,

Gig Harbor, Washington

August 04, 2021

Received the rockers and all expectations have been met! The artistry and craftsmanship is greatly appreciated!!!
C. C.

Lake Oconee, Georgia

August 04, 2021

Thanks for checking in. The chair has been a huge hit, and in fact I just saw my sister last week for the first time since the pandemic started. I have not had a chance to use it myself, but am hoping to do so when I take a trip out to see her in September.

My parents got to use it when they visited my sister recently and I was informed that my father promptly fell asleep in it.


Denver, Colorado

June 15, 2021

Hi Gary,

Many thanks to your company! I love my chair and besides rocking in it, I enjoy looking at it, rubbing my hands over it and admiring the artistry and craftsmanship. I appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness in working with me to postpone the delivery while I was on the road visiting family.

Please extend my thanks to all :-)



Oakland, California

June 09, 2021

It was very difficult to stop rocking and send this email. My rocker and side table induce comfort and calm. It may be a while before I'm willing to share. The walnut is gorgeous! I may just sit across the room to admire my new furniture. I could never find anything of this beauty and quality in a store.

Thank you,


Stow, Ohio

June 08, 2021


We received the beautiful walnut rocker today in perfect condition. We are very pleased! Thank you for your craftsmanship and great customer service.

D. and B.

South Coffeeville, Oklahoma

June 07, 2021

Yes it arrived safe and sound and have been putting it under a heavy testing regime.

So far it has exceeded are already high expectations. We are also providing limited access to it by family and friends who also love it.



Mancos, Colorado

June 03, 2021

Dear Gary,

The chair is as beautiful and wonderful as advertised!

Thank you,


Gainesville, Florida

May 27, 2021

I received the maple rocker this afternoon. I absolutely love it! Not only is the wood grain and craftsmanship everything I was hoping for and more, it is so comfortable. I cannot thank you enough.

I will cherish this rocker for years to come.

Thank you!


Granite Bay, California

14 / 152 pages