Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Rocking Chair

October 12, 2002

Dear Gary,

Your (my) rocker is a great success here in the Blue Creek/Chewelah environs; if only I could get a chance to use and enjoy it. Neighbors and their kin and kids all are delighted with it. Now if only they would purchase their own!! And, stop bringing their little kids over for story times, afternoon naps and nighttime bedtimes!!

Maybe I should have been more awares, and ordered two — but no!! that would mean even many many more visitors!! My little shack couldn't support it. (Especially the cookies and milk.)

But maybe I will. Until then, the best is yet to come, get ready, and keep dancing.


Chewellah, Washington

October 12, 2002


Thank you again for your outstanding design and craftsmanship. The rocking chair has been more comfortable than I could have ever imagined, even sitting for long periods of time. My feet even touch the floor! I am still amazed with the way the chair fits both me and my husband perfectly, yet is beautiful too. It will truly be a blessing for our nursery and home for years to come.

Good luck to you and your business.


San Antonio, Texas

October 09, 2002

Dear Gary,

Received my rocker in fine shape. Needless to say, the workmanship and finish were superb. However, waited a while to write this letter because I wanted to give it a good workout. I can say, without qualification this is an extremely comfortable piece of furniture and pleasing to the eye. One item I would like to mention is the ability to get in and out of the rocker is very easy, meaning the design was right. My thanks for a perfect addition to our home.

Best regards,

Rogers, Arkansas​

October 04, 2002

Dear Gary,

The walnut chairs are beautiful! They are almost too pretty to sit in but they are also so comfortable and feel so good. The are true works of art and M. and I (and all our friends) just love them.

Thank you again for beautiful craftsmanship.


Austin, Texas​

September 20, 2002

Hi, Gary,
[transcribed from the answering machine, GW]

This is a satisfied customer calling from Harlingen, Texas. The two chairs arrived in perfect condition. I've had the chairs for three days now, and for the last three days in a row, I have fallen asleep sitting bolt upright in your chair. I can't say that about any other chair. Good job.


Harlingen, Texas

August 18, 2002


We bought our Cherry Rocker from you Christmas 1998 . . . It still the most striking piece of art / furniture we have!!! Now it is time to consider a new dining room ensemble. Please send me a catalog.


Wylie, Texas​

July 19, 2002

Dear Gary Weeks and Company,

Enclosed find check in payment of invoice for the beautiful walnut dining table and six chairs. We fully intend to enjoy them for as long as we are "able to enjoy." And we do indeed highly value the craftsmanship that went into creating these pieces —

Best regards,

Austin, Texas​

June 25, 2002


Just a quick note to let you know that J. loves her new rocking chair (and so do I)! It's as nice to look at as it is to sit in. It's also a big hit with my parents (I might have to get my brother to pitch in and get my dad a chair for Christmas before he steals ours).

Best regards,

Houston, Texas​

June 14, 2002

Gary & Leslie,

I just wanted to send a message saying that although we've had only limited time to experience the chairs at this point, they are beautiful & the workmanship is incredible. Thank you!

But I have sat in the rocker long enough to know that the bonding that will take place there with my grandchildren in my lap will be among life's greatest treasures — & blessings

Thanks again.
J. & B.W.

Appleton, Minnesota​

June 04, 2002

Dear Gary,

Thank you so much for a wonderful handcrafted Rocker. What a gift it is being able to create such a beautiful piece of furniture that will last forever and make generations to come happy. It's so wonderful and N., our 10-week old girl, loves being rocked in it. Please find Mommy and Daddy whilst enjoying rocking little N.

Best regards from New Jersey to Texas from

C. & R. & N.R.

Wyckoff, New Jersey

149 / 152 pages