Comments from our Patrons
Category: - Rocking Chair
August 10, 2018
Rocker was delivered 08-08 in excellent condition. I've been enjoying its beauty and comfort ever since.
Bellingham, Washington
August 10, 2018
Dave received the rocker on Tuesday and is very happy with it. It is a perfect fit for the room.
Thanks for your excellent craftsmanship; it's hard to believe that it's been over twenty years since we visited your shop in Texas.
Best regards,
Orleans, MA
August 08, 2018
We love the rocker! The cherry wood is a perfect color. The finish is so smooth, even in underneath areas! You obviously take a lot of pride in making your furniture.
J. & P.W.
Davis, California
August 04, 2018
Dear Gary, Austin, and Autumn,
The three pieces arrived today, carefully carried into the space by Plycon’s delivery folk. No damage of any sort, just a little tape residue here and there which comes off with a microfiber cloth.
And the pieces are beautiful. The photos on the web site made me confident, as did the explanations of how the designs came to be and were executed, but pictures just can’t capture what you have made for us. We’re particularly struck by the quiet elegance, the subtle detail, the way that all the furniture somehow combines a sort of humility and practicality with sheer beauty. And of course the craftsmanship is superb.
We’ve looked at lots of rockers over the years (Portland is that kind of town), but never found anything that seemed right, shaped to the body, friendly to the eye, confident in its own place in the world but not trying to make a statement. And the desk and accompanying chair are worthy kin.
We feel very lucky to have found your work, and are grateful to all who have put their hands to this project.
Best wishes,
Portland, Oregon
August 02, 2018
Gary. She loves the chair and I continue to be impressed with your craftsmanship.
Austin, Texas
August 01, 2018
Hi Gary,
It was a real treat visiting with Autumn as well... really enjoy the chair… It is in fact one of the most comfortable chairs I have ever been in…
Beautiful as well.
Wish you all the best of luck!
New Orleans, Louisiana
August 01, 2018
Even the animals know comfort when they feel it. Our new kitten has claimed her new favorite spot!!
Springdale, Arkansas
July 29, 2018
Hi Gary,
I hope this finds you and family well!
Having some of your furniture over here continues to be a daily delight. Less than Zero buyer's remorse.
I still can't believe how great living with a few of your team's creations has been.
Kind regards,
B.M.Blanco, Texas
July 23, 2018
Thank you for your note...Your thoughtful design and craftsmanship will definitely be appreciated at our house!
...E and I both have back issues. The chair is very comfortable for me and I have practiced rocking in it several times today. I can't wait for E to get home from work so he can try it too.
Appreciate your kindness every step of the way with our rocker.
A.M.Annapolis, Maryland
July 23, 2018
Our beautiful cherry rocker just arrived Monday morning. I did not get an advance call for 4 hour window so I'm very glad I was home when the driver called to say he would be here in an hour! It was actually perfect timing since the sun is shining right now in Annapolis. We are in a period of expected 10 days of rain so I have been worrying about a possible delivery in a downpour.
Our grandchild was "due" on the 21st so we've been wondering which would come first, the baby or the rocker . You won!
Thank you for being so kind. We look forward to many hours of cuddling our first grandchild in the wonderful rocker. I love handmade things — I'm a pottery student — so appreciate all the attention to details in your work.
A.M.Annapolis, Maryland
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