Comments from our Patrons
Category: - Rocking Chair
August 12, 2009
Dear Mr. Weeks,
They did indeed receive the rocker. We received a delightful voice mail from K. where she said it was so pretty and comfortable and we had to come up to see it as soon as possible. She said we had to plant our butts in it and see how good it felt. We can’t wait to see it!
Thanks again — it’s been a real pleasure to do business with you.
A.Santee, California
August 11, 2009
hey gary,
thanks for the e-m. yes . . . L. has arrived and she is a delight. she and C. are doing very well. the rocker is working out even better than expected . . . we love it. it is smooth rocking and very comfortable. i honestly can't imaging being a father without this chair. thanks for making it easier for us to better nurture our daughter.
thanks again for the e-m and hope all is well in the hill country,
J.Alpine, Texas
August 07, 2009
Dear Gary,
Our first son, R., was born on July 23 in Dallas. Already he is enjoying the pleasures of being rocked to sleep in our beautiful new Weeks rocker. It’s the perfect height for anyone who wants to hold and cuddle him and comfortable for the duration of long rocking sessions! We’ll send you a photograph as soon as we sort through the dozens taken since R. joined this world.
Thank you again for your wonderful craftsmanship. D. and I consider ourselves mere caretakers of a beautiful piece that others will enjoy for generations to come.
All best wishes,
A.Dallas, Texas
August 05, 2009
The rocker, stool and table arrived on Tuesday and we are absolutely delighted with them. M. has always wanted a rocker and never dreamt she would have such a fine rocker as the one you and your team crafted for her.
The whole process, from start to finish, has been a joy and our beautiful furniture will be treasured by the S. family for generations to come. I can’t thank you and your team enough.
As of now the rocker is sat in the living room overlooking the marina and looks unlikely to make it to the nursery — don’t be surprised if you receive another order before very long!
My sincere thanks and very best wishes
Hong Kong, China
ps your packaging is fantastic!Hong Kong, China
July 30, 2009
Gary -
The chairs did arrive and we are so happy with them. Having visited you, I knew what to expect; B. accepting my choice is so pleased with the workmanship and design. We will send you a picture of them in their new home, they really look nice. We are having my dad and my uncle over for lunch tomorrow to inaugurate them. The design is perfect for our little house and lifestyle.
Thank you once again for your good work and all your help in building and getting the chairs to our home.
All the best to you, your family and your crew.
J. and B.Los Angeles, California
July 27, 2009
They delivered my rocker about 2:00 P.M. on Friday the 24th. The Rocker made the trip without any problems.
I must confess, I was like a little boy at Christmas time, full of excitement and unbelievable expectations. It felt great, I could hardly contain myself. With great speed and caution I immediately uncrated the box and removed the wrapping. I just sat down and admired this beautiful work of art. To think there is still a remnant of such craftsmanship still around. I feel so honored you have shared this masterpiece with me.
Also, I must inject at this time, the comfort of this rocker is just outstanding. Again, it images the rare craftsmanship displayed in your work.
The rocker is absolutely beautiful in my Den. It has added a new life and warmth which is hard to explain.
These words of appreciation are spoken from my heart.
May God bless you and your family in the days ahead.
J.Lubbock, Texas
July 26, 2009
Dear Weeks Family,
Thank you for the hard work I am sure you put into my rocker. I especially want to thank Mr. Weeks for coming out during y'alls Fourth of July celebration so that we could pick up our chair. He seemed very concerned about our traveling plans, but I would like him to know his knots were secure the whole way and my husband and I made it home and had the chair inside just seconds before the rain we had been expecting all day hit town. My family was very impressed with the chair and all commented on how blessed I was to have gotten one. Again thank you for all your work.
Best Wishes,
J.Midland, Texas
July 16, 2009
Thank you. She likes the chair, it fits well, and said it "makes me feel maternal".
J.Salem, Oregon
July 16, 2009
On behalf of C. and myself, this is to inform you that the chair arrived here safe and sound about half an hour ago. It is sitting in our living room to compliment the other one. The package came though very well (without the slightest damage) and the chair is beautiful (a little darker than the one we have though they will age together well).
Thanks for your attention and the workmanship you do.
F.W.Nantucket, Massachusetts
July 13, 2009
Hi Gary,
I can't believe I've been enjoying my rocking chair for 4 yrs, 9 mos. I sit in it more than any other chair in my house (even the new sofa we got after we moved in to our new house). I adore the deep rich color & patina it has developed over the years. And I read in it all the time!
. . . when we have visitors the rocking chair is nearly always the first seat chosen by one of my lucky guests. I'm happy to share, since I know they have to leave eventually.
L.F.Oakland, California
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