Comments from our Patrons
January 30, 2011
Yes — he loves it. It arrived very quickly too.
R.Westmont, Quebec
January 26, 2011
Thanks Gary!
We have put both to good use.
The table is perfectly proportioned for use between our chairs, and the stool is already a closet essential.
Thanks for your help.
Stay warm.
D.Austin, Texas
January 18, 2011
Good Afternoon Mr. Weeks,
The rocker arrived in perfect condition this afternoon. It is a handsome thing! Thank you very much.
It has been a pleasure doing business with you sir and I wish you much success in this new year.
B.Arlington, Virginia
January 12, 2011
You're welcome and thanks for creating and building such great rockers.
L.Austin, Texas
January 10, 2011
Hi Gary,
Thank you for donating $1,500 towards the purchase of 2 rocking chairs for our new Longmont Wellness Education Center!
We love them and so do our clients. We positioned them by the fireplace and every time that I am in the facility, the chairs are NEVER vacant!
I also think they fit perfectly with helping our clients to self-sooth and be more at ease while waiting for their medications and treatment.
I have attached a photo here for you! (This was on move in day and since then both rockers are placed facing the fireplace.)
In the future, we plan on building a new facility offering our new treatment for mental illness in Boulder, CO and will be in touch in the future to purchase more rockers!
Thank you again Gary!!! I hope you have a great New Year!
J.Boulder, Colorado
January 09, 2011
Gary and Team,
Congratulations. A great article about my favorite chairmaker. My rocking chairs (and dining chairs) are some of my prized possessions.
I'd like to THANK YOU one more time.
S.Sante Fe, New Mexico
January 06, 2011
So sorry for the delay in writing you back, we got swamped by people over the holidays wanting to admire our daughter (and our rocking chair). It did arrive (on her birthday), and it is beautiful. It lives up to the expectations set by your marketing. And, it even puts a baby to sleep.
Happy New Year!
L.Washington, DC
January 05, 2011
Dear Gary,
I write to report that the delivery of my sister's new rocking chair was timely and that when unveiled on Christmas day was a great success! All marveled at the joinery, material, finish and ergonomics and greatly approved of the future heirloom. My nephew has visited his mom since Christmas just to pet the chair. Congratulations on the creation of this beautiful all-American work of art.
R.Santa Clara, California
January 03, 2011
Gary, Thanks for your email! We are LOVING our rocking chair! Prior to the chair's arrival, we couldn't get A. to spend any time in her little sister's room. Now that the chair is in E.'s room, we can't get A. to play anywhere else . . . the girl loves to rock! You may hear from us again soon, as A. is already lobbying for a chair in her room, too. We may compromise on an outside chair we can all enjoy on our new patio. Not sure how the negotiations will go — for a toddler, she drives a hard bargain. Have a great 2011!
Take care, S.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." — E.M. ForsterBoerne, Texas
January 03, 2011
Thanks, she loved the stool. As I mentioned in my Christmas card (which you should get any day now), she was happy I DIDN'T get the Auburn symbol on there. Go figure.
. . . She was surprised.
Hope you had a great holiday with you and yours. Hope the air scrubber is still going strong.
Have a great 2011.
T.St. Paul, Minnesota
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