Comments from our Patrons

August 29, 2008


The chair arrived in one piece; my daughter and her husband think it's beautiful! They're very excited to have it, but, as they only just arrived home with the baby, focus is far more on the rocked than the rocker at this point. I'll hear more soon, I'm sure.

We most certainly have booked our trip and can hardly wait to rock that little bundle of joy!

Would you like to get comments/feed-back from them?

Thanks for your follow-up and concern.


Lebanon, New Jersey

August 29, 2008

Gary —

I was thinking how I wished I had asked you to "sign" the chair, date it, and put our names on it. But I turned the chair over and found your hallmark and a number which I guess the guys on Antiques Roadshow in 150 years can trace back to a year of production. It's okay my name isn't on it — the only other heirlooms I have which I doubt will end up on the Roadshow is a huge personal collection of chamber pots. You know how you get one of something and then it just keeps growing and before you know it, you have a collection? Even in 150 years the pots will still be pots. But the chair will be a heirloom.

Thank you — I'm getting lots of requests for your website. My husband doesn't ask, however, he's decided he would rather not know what I spent. Ignorance is bliss for him.

I think the chair is worth every penny!


Collierville, Tennessee

August 27, 2008

We love them . . . Thank you so much!!


Nashville, Tennesee

August 23, 2008

Dear Gary,

The rocker came on Friday, August 22nd as I had scheduled. We love it! It is so beautiful and goes so well with the rest of the nursery furniture. I will send a picture once my little one is born of us using it. Thank you again for making sure I got the rocker before I had my baby.


Arlington, Virginia

August 20, 2008

Gary — Chair arrived with no problems with the shipping container. It is truly beautiful — a work of art. So very comfortable — I know we will put a lot of rocking miles on it.


Collierville, Tennessee

August 13, 2008

Gary, we really enjoyed our chair this past weekend. I had a surprise 85th birthday party for my mother and had all my kids and niece and nephew from California. We all enjoyed taking turns in it . . . and I. especially enjoyed it at 22 months . . . she really turned it into an aerobic activity . . . and it was so safe. M. had just received hers the day she was to fly to Austin so she hasn't got to have any quality time in it . . . thanks so much for your personal attention . . .


Austin, Texas

August 12, 2008


I certainly am happy with the chair, thank you.


Westborough, Massachusetts

August 10, 2008


I meant to write you last week, when the chair arrived.

Everything was as you had promised. The furniture was beautiful, arrived on time. We have just delivered your beautiful hand-made rocking chair to our son and daughter-in-law, who expect their first child on Sept. 16. They both are pleased and proud to have this wonderful gift. Thank you for helping make their happiness.

Please accept our gratitude for creating a comfortable and lasting gift for our children. It was a pleasure to speak with you and to do business with you. Keep up the good work. I expect to be calling you again.


Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey

August 09, 2008


They love it. The chair fits nicely with their furnishings and they are amazed at the craftmanship. THanks so much for working with us on this. They now have a lifelong piece of furniture that will outlast cribs, carseats, etc. etc. and can be passed down to another generation.


Morganton, North Carolina

August 09, 2008

I meant to send you a note

The chair is beautiful, and E. loves it

Thank you,

Boulder, Colorado

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