Comments from our Patrons
September 19, 2003
Arrive it did, midst heraldry and fanfare, trumpets blasting, poets singing (truly) and a hurricane as midwife. The rocker is truly magnificent, easily surpassing my expectations, which were substantial. The birthday boy loved it, as did his wife, on all levels. Further, it is easy to see that they will love it more with each passing day. It reflects truly Smithsonian grade workmanship. Cannot thank you and the crew enough, not only for the rocker but for the entire purchasing experience. So few things defy Murphy's law these days.
Can you send J.W. a copy of the guarantee? He's a lawyer and will be impressed.
Thanks for everything. I have the feeling we'll be in touch again in the future.
P. and I.R.
Roslyn, NY
September 16, 2003
So far I absolutely love the chair. Due to my schedule, I've not had the time to just sit and relax in the chair reading a magazine, but I can only hope that I will get this opportunity soon. Regardless, the wood has a great deal more character to it than I perceived in the pictures. This was a very pleasant surprise. As a piece, it is beautiful. It is always a pleasure to find something that can be exceptionally functional AND beautiful. I thank you again and will eventually (hopefully) be ordering another one for the nursery.
J.GLos Angeles, CA
September 05, 2003
The table is beautiful. Lot's of work is evident in its making, especially the fine joints. The extra effort carefully packing the table pays off — it arrived in perfect condition, despite a battered crate. I had to bring the table home that same day to show R., not wanting/able to wait for a special occasion.
D.M.Pittsburg, PA
August 29, 2003
The rocker arrived yesterday in perfect condition. It is a beautiful piece of work, and very comfortable. I spent an hour or so in it last night which I cannot do in any other chair in the house without shifting around a lot. My back usually gets pretty stiff from sitting in one position too long but it didn't bother me after sitting in the rocker last night.
Thanks for your kind and prompt service and designing such a beautiful and useful chair.
S.J.Mountain View, CA
August 20, 2003
Hi Gary,
It is the best!! He just loved it! We rocked our new Grandbaby in it all weekend long and as soon as she hit the chair she'd be out like a light! It is a beautiful piece. You may end up w/ another order from my other daughter who is expecting in Dec. Thank you so much for making it all work. It was in the barn when I arrived on Fri.
S.MMcLean, VA
August 19, 2003
Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the chair shipped last week. The wood and finishing are absolutely gorgeous . . . And, sitting in that chair is like visiting a corner of heaven in a busy city. What a great thing to come home to after a long day!
Many thanks,
August 09, 2003
We absolutely LOVE it! The wood you chose for the top piece and the seat is gorgeous! We are so happy with it. Already in its 24 hours at its new house, I've spent several hours sitting, reading, and rocking in it!
Thank you so much!
PS It's even more comfortable then we remember it!
Take Care!
A. and S.D.Leona, NJ
August 08, 2003
The chair arrived on Tuesday in great shape. My wife is very very happy with it — already declaring it the most comfortable chair she's ever sat in. The craftsmanship of the chair is a bit humbling really, the level of precision in the joinery and the finish are truly amazing.
My daughter C. (two years old) is still enjoying playing in the box that the chair came in. We've fashioned it into a small play house for her complete with windows and doors.
The new baby is due in a month and we plan to have photos taken of the family in the chair to use as baby announcements. We'll be sure to send one out to you and your crew.
Thanks so much for the fine work. We're looking forward to someday adding a matching chair for me when I manage to retire and build a house on the lake (I'll need 20 years at least . . .)
Thanks for making such a fine product, we'll enjoy it for a lifetime.
C.Ithaca, NY
August 01, 2003
Dear Kind Sweet Sir,
Have got to let you know how much I appreciate the work that you do. My rocker is perhaps the most elegant rocker in all of creation. You truly do amazing work that will be cherished in our family for a long time to come. Thank you for my main seat. I now understand what I. has been making such a fuss about for so long.
With such appreciation,
The New M.H.Boone, N.C.
July 23, 2003
Yes, it was delivered yesterday afternoon by Motor Cargo. Everything went fine as far as delivery and condition.
The rocker is wonderful, truly a work of art. And the minute I sat in it, it was comfortable, a perfect fit with everything supported, and a lovely rock. I was delighted with the curve in the arms, the way you can put your elbows off the end of the arm and not have any pressure on the elbow to make your arms "go to sleep". (By design or accident, a great feature).
My husband was also very pleased with the beauty and comfort of the rocker. I suspect we will have to take turns with "my" rocker.
Thank you so much!
K.E.Richland, WA
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