Comments from our Patrons
Category: By Year - 2022
August 26, 2022
We received our 2 porch rocking chairs this morning.
Comment one: ‘ AHHHHHHhhhhhh!’
Comment two: ‘Dang. WOW. Smooth to the touch.’
Final Comment: ‘Thank you!’T
Nokomis, Florida
August 15, 2022
This popped up on my Facebook memories yesterday and thought I’d share. 8 years and we are still in love with this chair. There’s not been a person who’s visited our home who hasn’t commented on its beauty and comfort. I think if our house were on fire, we might grab the chair before the dog. Well, we’d throw the dog on the chair and rescue them at the same time!!
Springdale, Arkansas
June 06, 2022
Gary Week’s rocker is absolutely the most comfortable rocker around, as this is the last place I sit before climbing into bed. Often I doze off, rocking away.
I own many rocking chairs—from antique mission rockers and caned seated ones to creaky, old wooden ones. I also have rocking chairs on both outside patios—vintage metal rocking chairs that I restored and the polywood rockers. I have a total of 10 rocking chairs dotted in my home or outside areas. If there is a rocking chair in a room, that’s where I want to sit.
With that said, my husband and I recently retired. We wanted chairs in our TV room that were super comfortable and were pleasing to the eye. All I wanted was a rocking chair. My husband googled “best rocking chairs.” We found Gary Weeks. His shop is located in Texas. I am in Philadelphia. I was concerned about purchasing a piece of furniture without sitting in it or even seeing it. I called the shop. Gary immediately called me back. I shared my concerns. He assured me that if I was not totally satisfied with the rocker, he would pay for shipping back and give me a total refund, including the initial shipping cost. So, I thought this could work.
The wood Gary uses is stunning. It is as if sunshine is in the room at all times. The craftsmanship is incredible. I have arthritis in my shoulder. The armrests are perfectly aligned with your spine. I feel no pain or discomfort while sitting in this chair. The back is amazing for lumbar support. If you watch Gary Weeks’s video on his website, it discusses all the comfort points. This was what sold me initially. And, the promises he makes are real. It is the most comfortable chair —hands down—around. It is a piece of art. It is designed to support your body’s structure. As I said in the beginning of this review, Gary Weeks’s rocking chair is the last place I sit before climbing into my bed. It lulls me to sleep. You will not be disappointed.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
June 21, 2022
Hi Gary,
Thanks for the email.
The rocking chair made it safe and sound to our home.
All of the family have been sitting in it, enjoying it and commenting how comfortable and beautiful it is.
Pflugerville, Texas
July 19, 2022
Both rockers were received. They were sent to two colleagues who retired and both were very pleased with the quality and thoughtfulness of the gift.
This is the second time I have placed an order with you and once again your communication and craftsmanship was outstanding!
Thank you.
D.Alpharetta, Georgia
July 24, 2022
...But I'm really writing because I feel guilty of how I took advantage of you over the deal I made for your rocker. I can't impress on you enough the enjoyment that cherry rocker has given G. and I over the years. We have a rather large room that serves as our dinning room and living room. And right smack dab in the middle is your rocker. You can sit in it and face our wood burning furnace or swivel it to the left and be in the middle of our living/tv room or swivel to the right and you're in our dinning area looking out our big picture window. We literally argue over whose turn it is to sit in it. G. has a bad back and it is the only chair that gives her comfort--so she uses it most. It's such a beautiful chair. In my mind, a real masterpiece. I admire it all the time--the balanced wood selection is superb--and at times, when the light hits it just right the colors and grains are just fantastic. But it's the lines I like the best. All the subtleties of design and the way it all comes together. It's a beautiful, beautiful rocker and I thank you so much for your generosity in allowing me to own it. It's by far our most treasured possession.
You both are truly blessed with not only what you've accomplished thru your creativity and hard work but with your extended family. I hope all is well.
Your fan,
PS--don't forget to move our pin from Fredericksburg to Poland.
August 02, 2022
My rocker stool and side table just got unpacked. Of course the packing was bombproof. But easy to take off.
The furniture could not be more beautiful. It’s everything I had hoped…
Thanks again, and please pass on to everyone how pleased I am with their work…
Very best
K.Another thought on the furniture.
Some furniture is pretty…… but not comfortable. Others ugly, but comfy.
After spending much time looking at, touching and rocking I am reminded of a quote by a very well thought of marine architect, Chuck Paine, when describing Nathaniel Herreshoff’s daysailer design the 12 1/2. He said “ It is the perfect small boat, and cannot be improved in any way.” The rocker, table, and stool cannot be improved.
Another little term I learned in Maine when one refers to something that is “ just right” is “Yare”. Your work is just that.
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
July 17, 2022
Dear Mr. Weeks,
Yes, the chair arrived safely a little more than a week ago. I was surprised how light it was and how sturdy. It is beautiful and perfect for the setting in our chapel.
I am very grateful for your craftsmanship and for you allowing me to request the changes to the length of the arms.
J.Arroyo Grande, California
June 22, 2022
So far we are very pleased with chair. So pleased I think another one is in our near future! We really enjoyed meeting Autumn and you and touring your shop. Everything and everyone is first class. We’ll stay in touch. Thank you for the nice note, as well.
All the best,
C. and E.Salado, Texas
May 05, 2022
Dear Gary, we’re throughly enjoying rocking in our mahogany porch rockers. They are an absolute dream.
Thank you,
HRHaiku, Hawaii
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