Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Business With Us

October 12, 2004

Hi Gary,

I AM rocking, and I am SO pleased! Your chair fits my extra-long legs and tilts my body back to a comfortably balanced angle — something which was missing in the (considerably more expensive) rocker I tried first. The arms are delightfully sculptured for resting my hands outstretched or for crossing them in toward the body for knitting or reading. Not an uncomfortable edge to be found. The finish is beautiful to eye and hand alike. I am looking forward to showing it off and (occasionally) sharing its comfort. Thank you so much, Gary. And thank you for delivering it exactly as committed, without a hitch.


Cape Elizabeth, Maine​

September 02, 2004

Hi Gary,

Got the chair. My wife could not be happier. Thanks again for the great service.


Erdenheim, Pennsylvania

August 05, 2004

We did get it and we love it! We spent the evening acting like kids attempting to share a new toy — "it's MY turn . . ." It's more comfortable than I even imagined, and I'm really glad we got the footstool too. I just entered my third trimester, and kicking my feet up is a good thing right now! The delivery guy was on time and very courteous, so that worked out well too. I imagine you'll be hearing from us at some point when we decide we need a "his" to go with this "hers" chair. Thanks for everything. It was a pleasure working with you.

N. and K. J.

San Francisco, California​

July 30, 2004

Dear Gary,

Thank you for the fast delivery of the chair. A. and I love sitting in it already.

We've put you on our announcement e-mail list — so you'll know who the third beneficiary of the chair is when she or he comes.

All the best to you and your family. Happy house building!

Take care,


New York, New York

July 21, 2004

Dear Mr. Weeks,

The chair was delivered as scheduled, and arrived in perfect condition. We are most pleased with the rocker in terms of comfort, beauty, design and workmanship. The joints are immaculate, a delight to the hand, and the grains as nearly symmetrical as human art could achieve. It is everything I hoped, and then some.

Many thanks,


P.S. — My Weeks cherry rocker reminds me of a rosewood desk by Sam Maloof that I had a chance to buy for $800 about 40 years ago. I have often regretted my inability to afford that desk, which would now be a museum piece, but I expect the sting to fade in the enjoyment of your magnificent chair.

Bloomington, Indiana

July 14, 2004


Well the rocker was delivered right on time and my dad loves it, I wish I had been there to see his face. Thank you so much. It's a good feeling to know that there are people out there who say what they mean, and mean what they say. Continued success.



Santa Monica, California

July 03, 2004


Received the Terrell Side tables yesterday. They are fantastic! Your shipping containers are as well thought out as are the pieces you make. They arrived perfectly and are beside my bed with the rocker and footstool at their side. Being an old woodworker, I can say that your work is impeccable and exquisitely done. Thanks again. They will become heirlooms someday.


Omaha, Nebraska​

June 21, 2004


She is very appreciative and excited with your fine craftsmanship. My mom seems to like it very much. I can't wait to see it the next time I come to visit. All went well and I thank you for your service. I do appreciate it very much. Have a nice week.

Respectfully Yours

Maple Plain, Minnesota

June 17, 2004

Gary —

I am thrilled with the chair! It arrived in perfect condition (not even a mark on the box) and was very easy to unpack. My husband (who is 5'9") and I (at 5'2") have both found the chair to be comfortable as well as beautiful. Thank you!

L. B.

Oakland, California​

May 13, 2004

Hello Gary,

Yes, the rocker arrived yesterday and was as beautiful as the photos that your son sent me. The rocker is a perfect fit for both my wife and me. I can't thank you enough for allowing us to purchase the one off your floor. Preparing for an adopted child is always a challenge (there's never enough time), and you have helped to make the transition a lot smoother!

Thanks again and regards,
K. and J.B.

Lakeville, Minnesota​

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