Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Business With Us

May 13, 2004

Hello Gary,

Yes, the rocker arrived yesterday and was as beautiful as the photos that your son sent me. The rocker is a perfect fit for both my wife and me. I can't thank you enough for allowing us to purchase the one off your floor. Preparing for an adopted child is always a challenge (there's never enough time), and you have helped to make the transition a lot smoother!

Thanks again and regards,
K. and J.B.

Lakeville, Minnesota​

April 20, 2004

Dear Gary,

It's really disappointing to have to ask you to take your beautiful hand finished rocking chair back, but my wife's anatomy is just not right for it. We're not really surprised; as a child M. was diagnosed with scoliosis and her spine has quite a pronounced curvature, which doesn't quite fit your chair. I find it wonderful, but unfortunately our living room isn't large enough to accommodate a rocker she can't use. When the chair arrived I called over our friend who is on the faculty at the School of American Craftsman at Rochester Institute of Technology, a studio furniture designer himself. The styling and the workmanship are "studio furniture" quality. That's why I'm so disappointed I won't be able to keep the chair.

I appreciate your taking full responsibility for the cost of returning the chair by freight. The screw-together packaging was easy to reassemble and the chair is ready to ship.



Rochester, New York

February 10, 2004

Hi Gary,

I just had a very exciting morning. The Plycon guys delivered the dining set today, a whole week early! I have to tell you that I am floored with your expert craftsmanship. A huge thank-you to your entire team. I only had a few moments to admire the satin smooth finish and enjoy the heft of the chairs before setting off to work, but dinner tonight will be a treat. I am extremely pleased with the set.

All the pieces were very well protected and everything seemed snugly wrapped. In fact, the delivery guy took quite a few minutes unraveling each piece. I only want to add that the delivery guy did ding one of the arm chairs. After unwrapping the chairs in the truck, he grabbed two chairs and tried to get them into the house all at once. Unfortunately, when he came up the porch steps, one of the chair tops banged into the ceiling overhang of the covered porch. I was rather disappointed with his carelessness, and I just wanted you to be aware of it. I'm not sure if this was an isolated incident with the particular delivery guy, or a mark of company, Plycon. I suggested that he bring in the rest of the pieces one at a time, which he did. Other than that, the delivery went very smoothly.

As for the ding in the chair back, I ran a barely-damp cotton cloth gently over the ding a couple of times, and got the white paint off. Can I use some lemon oil to get the luster back? Or should I hold off, until the chair cures a bit? The ding is very shallow, and about the width of a grain of rice. It isn't particularly noticeable (now that the paint is gone), but I just want to treat it right, and keep it protected.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for the help,

C.C. (1 happy girl)

top of page

C., I am delighted that you like your furniture and dismayed at the careless delivery. I have a simple repair that you can do to make the chair arm good as new; I just regret that you have to do it.

I am leaving for the day and will send more tomorrow.

Sincerely yours,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I hope dinner last night was a treat. Have the dinner party invitations gone out?

Rereading your note, I see that the ding is on the back of an arm chair, rather than the arm of the arm chair. Anyway, I can mail a repair kit to you with instructions, oil, and sandpaper. You can use a clothes iron and a damp cloth to drive steam into the compressed fibers, swelling them back to the surface. The following day, you can lightly sand with a very fine grit and apply a bit of the hand-rubbed oil finish that we use. You will need to lightly sand and re-coat on a subsequent day to get the sheen back. I am upset to put this on your plate, but it is not difficult or very time-consuming. The other options are:

1. Do nothing and consider that the first ding in the Charlene era of this long lasting furniture came too early.

2. Say to me: "Gary, you promised that the furniture would be delivered as new; I am hesitant to make this repair. Will you do it for me?" I will have it brought to me; I will repair it, and return it.

I hope you remain a "happy girl." I will do my part to keep it so.

Sincere thanks and regards,


San Mateo, California

December 30, 2003

hi gary. we received a cherry rocker about 10 days ago and absolutely love it. the armrests are just very slightly rough and i was wondering what to use to smooth it up a bit without marring the surface? pumice powder ? 600 grit paper?

happy new year!


I am most pleased that you like the rocker and most disturbed about the surface of the arms — disturbed and perplexed. I will send you some sandpaper and some of the oil we use as a finish. Smoothing the surface will be a very simple process, but I regret that you are doing it and not me.

Would you please answer these questions to help me determine the cause and to insure that I send you the right materials for a touch up?

1. Are the arms rough generally or rough in places here and there?
2. When you scrutinize the arms in good light, do you see the spots that you feel?
3. Are there other places on the chair that feel, and look, like the areas that are in question?
4. Did you notice this problem when you first sat? (This question does not imply that you caused the problem. I am the final inspector and likely I failed you.)

Thank you for your order, your understanding, and your wish for a

Happy New Year,
Gary Weeks

[It is hard to get it all right. GW]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

December 31, 2003


thanks for getting back to us so promptly. please do not be distressed by this — it is pretty subtle and is somewhat spotty. yes under good light i can see a difference — the areas look just a tad lighter. these are the only places on the rocker that we have noticed this and it is on both armrests. my wife noticed it when she first sat down. i was not there when it was unpacked but i can't imagine how that would have influenced these areas. i can't tell you enough how much we love this and appreciate your concern.


Roanoke, Virginia

November 13, 2003

Dear Gary,

The chair arrived in perfect condition and we both love it!!

M. & J.W.

Parsippany NJ

October 21, 2003


It's here; it's beautiful; I may never get up. Thanks so much. They delivered it to ND on Monday, but took it to central receiving . . . delivered it this morning, still in the bubble wrap and without a scratch.

I love it. Thanks.


Notre Dame, IN​

September 05, 2003


The table is beautiful. Lot's of work is evident in its making, especially the fine joints. The extra effort carefully packing the table pays off — it arrived in perfect condition, despite a battered crate. I had to bring the table home that same day to show R., not wanting/able to wait for a special occasion.


Pittsburg, PA​

July 23, 2003


Yes, it was delivered yesterday afternoon by Motor Cargo. Everything went fine as far as delivery and condition.

The rocker is wonderful, truly a work of art. And the minute I sat in it, it was comfortable, a perfect fit with everything supported, and a lovely rock. I was delighted with the curve in the arms, the way you can put your elbows off the end of the arm and not have any pressure on the elbow to make your arms "go to sleep". (By design or accident, a great feature).

My husband was also very pleased with the beauty and comfort of the rocker. I suspect we will have to take turns with "my" rocker.

Thank you so much!

Richland, WA​

July 07, 2003


Thanks to your efforts, I took delivery of your gorgeous chair today at 11:30. My wife was thrilled. I will send a picture of her enjoying it with baby E. when I can.

Thank you once again. I found dealing with you to be refreshing. Your service was polite, timely and accommodating. I only look forward to discovering for myself how comfortable the chair is.




My name is K. (A.M.’s wife) I live in Vancouver, Canada. I am a new mum and my husband surprised me with the gift of a Weeks Rocking Chair on July 4th. He said you took great pains to make sure we got the chair as soon as possible. I wanted to let you know that it is the most comfy chair that I have ever sat in. Our baby E. loves to be rocked in it — it seems to sooth her as soon as I begin rocking. I just wanted to say thank you for designing such a beautiful and comfortable piece of furniture.



Vancouver, BC, Canada

February 05, 2003


Briefly, the rocker arrived in perfect condition, and the delivery man from Overnite was perhaps the most pleasant and courteous I've come across in years. The crate was a pleasure in itself to "unwrap."

My wife was thrilled with the rocker, and used it last evening to rock (of course!) the baby to sleep. Did I mention that R. and I have a 7 month, and a 23 month old sons? More to follow, we hope. I often comment to those professionals whom I refer business, that when they look good, I look good. Let's say that your rocker made me look really good!

To conclude, the rocker is magnificent.

Best regards,

Pittsburg, PA​

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