Comments from our Patrons

Category: - Business With Us

April 10, 2012


Thanks for the note. The furniture arrived last Thursday. I met Joseph (he is an exceptional employee and speaks well for your company) and we put all the furniture in my house and I've been out of town since Thursday.

I'm pleased with your work and the outcome. I'm glad I happened upon your web site and chose to have you build this furniture.

I need to level my elliptical table (the floor is slightly uneven.) And, I'm missing four of the chair leg pads (the inset holes are there, but the pads are missing.)

I'll send photographs to you in a few days so you can show off your work. You can always use me as a reference Customer.


Birmingham, Alabama

April 07, 2012

Dear Gary,

Yesterday, in our short conversation, I mentioned the very positive effect your Rocking Chair video had on my final selection of Weeks Rockers. I had been all over the net, and could have sprung for a much higher ticket chair had their qualities been sufficiently important. I read all the pitches, and lusted after one or the other quite a few times before reaching your site, and carefully considering all that you present in your brochure, website, blog and video.

. . .

Your video presentation was thorough and most informative, but concise, and it never felt rushed or high pressure in any way. You have a thoughtful, measured style, and a way with the perfect words for the situation. I have since read your web materials more closely and see that style is similarly represented in your written products. The things you publish are easy to read and most educational, without being verbose or stilted. I am particularly impressed that you give your co-workers, suppliers, and even counterparts much credit. Your discussion about Mr. Sam Maloof was enlightening and most complimentary. It appears to me that you have given as much or more thought into the development of a fine rocker as anybody.

. . .

Now, I have yet to even see a Weeks piece in person, but I know that I will be very satisfied. The composition of your family-based, All-American company, and the thoughtful selection of woods, and proud craftsmanship, will surely result in furniture that we will treasure and be proud to pass on.

. . .

I am not given to pumping sunshine, and I am indeed no valued critic, but your presentations made a lot of difference in my selection. I am convinced that I'm buying the best value rockers available. I hope you put your brand on the items somewhere. I am grateful that you have taken the time to chat with me about my concerns and special requests. It means a lot to me to "know" the people that create the things that are important. I can't wait to add them to our little castle.

My only regret is that I am unable to visit your shop and meet you personally.

Wishing you and your staff a healthy and prosperous future.

Most Respectfully,

Loxley, Alabama

January 18, 2012

Hey Gary,

Plycon was good like the last time — punctual, professional and personable.

Now on to the buffet — it looks great and I imagine it will function just as well once we put it to use! It really was a must after getting the original table, chairs and corner cabinet. They all are sitting happily together waiting for the next dinner party — or even dinner tonight!

Thanks again for the great work!


Glenmore, Pennsylvania

January 05, 2012


Chair arrived today. K. loves it!

Thanks again for the terrific effort on your end.


Paso Robles, California

December 12, 2011

Dear Gary,

The rocker has just arrived as you know by now. For all potential clients, a few words from a skeptical mind: The company is no gimmicks. They ship furniture across the ocean. It arrives when they say it will. And once you have unpacked it, a fine work of art appears. It would be foolish to expect more.

Many thanks again,


November 30, 2011

Thank you for the beautiful chair. It came this afternoon with no problems.
I love it. Thank you, thank you! Thank you also for the speedy service.


Bath, New York

August 26, 2011

Hello Gary.

The chair and stool were just delivered. My wife is very pleased and they look great in our nursery. Both the stool and chair are beautiful; you are a true craftsman. The wood stock is gorgeous and the finish immaculate. Thank you, Leslie and the rest of your team for your hard work and excellent customer service.

Time permitting, I will give you more thoughts after spending more time rocking.

Until then, take care.


Santa Rosa, California

March 05, 2011


I am remiss in contacting you about the arrival of our furniture. My apologies. With that said, I can assure you that we are tremendously pleased with all the pieces. They are just what we thought they would look like . . . and more!

It has been such a pleasure working with you. Photos will follow soon.

Best regards,

Boulder, Colorado

December 23, 2010

Hi Gary,

The chair is finally here — arriving only minutes before my wife got home from work! She is very surprised, and we are both very happy with the chair. It's the perfect combination of comfort and beauty. We're looking forward to spending a lot of wide-awake nights, rocking our (pending in June) baby to sleep!

Thanks for your careful attention and help through the ordering and shipping process.

Happy holidays to your and your family!

Best regards,
R. and K.

Point of Rocks, Maryland

October 10, 2010

Gary, Thanks for the usual good service.


Artesia, New Mexico

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