Comments from our Patrons
December 08, 2003
The chair arrived Friday about five in the afternoon.
Though I read the dimensions, it is much bigger than I imagined. It arrived in perfect condition. The workmanship and the wood are beautiful. We are testing it out this week.
Thanks for writing. I'll respond again Friday morning.
Palo Alto, California
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December 12, 2003
At home, I find myself in the rocking chair reading, watching tv (rare for me), talking on the phone, etc. I can't believe how comfortable the chair is. Comfort definitely takes precedence over size. The chair is definitely a "keeper."
Thank you.
A.G.Palo Alto, California
December 01, 2003
Hi Gary,
I was in SC for Thanksgiving and got to see the rocker in person. It is perfect and I couldn't be happier with it. Thank you and your artisans for such fine craftsmanship.
My brother and sister-in-law are expecting their first child in May and I know the wee one will spend many hours being rocked to sleep in the cherry rocker.
I hope to make it to your shop in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks again and I hope your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving,
B.T.Austin, Texas
November 26, 2003
Hello Gary,
Happy holidays to you and yours in Wimberley. Our new cherry rocker is doing very well, it is well-used and well loved by both the new baby and the new mom. In fact, I rocked the baby to sleep in the chair just yesterday.
I'm writing primarily to make a suggestion about your website that might help sell a few more rockers. I bought our rocker after finding the web site through Google and spending many hours reading the entire site and looking at all of the pictures multiple times. It would have helped me to make the decision if I could have seen even larger versions of the great photos you have on the site.
[C., I hope we get to it. Thank you. Gary]
C.H.Ithaca, NY
November 24, 2003
I love the looks of my rocking chair . . . I hope someday to be given an opportunity to sit in it. My wife has apparently decided it is intended for her exclusive use. Every visitor has to try it and all rave about the quality of the work, especially the finish. I'll be ordering again soon.
El Centro, California
November 24, 2003
Just got home and unwrapped the bubble wrap. (My wife was kind enough to let me do the unveiling.) Gorgeous was the first word that came to mind. Your workmanship is truly lovely and the one concern I had — the mesquite pattern would be too busy — turned out to be totally unfounded. I am SO GLAD I treated myself to that wood.
Your creation immediately took over the corner next to the fireplace in the bedroom. It sits next to an adobe accent wall under a recessed light that has a dimmer. It is at the moment under a 1/3 power dimmer . . . glowing.
Thank you very much. I intend to get a LOT of pleasure out of your creation and pass it on with delight to whoever the hell lasts longer than I do. I know the chair will :).
Albuquerque, NM
November 20, 2003
Hi Gary,
Love the motion! Love the wood — especially the way it was harvested! . . . Love the chair! And great timing too :-0
Thank you for your help and beautiful workmanship!
Washington, DC
November 13, 2003
Dear Gary,
The chair arrived in perfect condition and we both love it!!
M. & J.W.
Parsippany NJ
November 12, 2003
Hi Gary,
It is so nice to finally write you after silently getting to know you via your e-mails to Chris. I often feel it is difficult to get to know someone thorough writing, but we both feel that, through this huge venture, we have gained a friend. Your genuine spirit could be felt with every e-mail written and now that we have your beautiful rocking chair here, we will miss the frequent correspondence we've so looked forward to. Hopefully it doesn't have to end and we can continue writing every so often.
Gary, I knew that your rocking chairs were made with precision, hand-made care, and were beautiful just by reading your well organized website. But when opening the huge box to slide the chair out, my mouth completely dropped. Your work is phenomenal and I was speechless. The design, color, documentation, signature inscription, incredibly, smooth finish, etc. were more than I expected. The tender loving care that you and your company gave to making and shipping this chair was/is felt the minute one goes to touch it, let alone sit in it. I know that this heirloom will be much enjoyed for the years to come by the three of us (we just found out that we are pregnant!). Thank you, Gary, for your superior work. You are certainly an artist and we are lucky to have found you.
Hi Gary,
Now it's C. writing, what can I say that C. didn't already perfectly express? The chair is just gorgeous! We had no problems with the shipping, everything went very smoothly, and the chair arrived in perfect condition, safely and securely crated. It is clearly a work of art and I know it will fit very nicely into our home. What surprised me most was when I touched the chair and first sat in it. The finish is amazing! I did not believe wood could be worked to such a fine finish. And it is also very comfortable! Both C. and I have had only limited time up till now to enjoy it, but every time we sit in it we are surprised at how comfortable it is without having to use any cushions. I noticed in particular that if I sit up straight with my rear against the back of the chair then it gives me a wonderful even support of my entire back that feels very nice. I believe I can easily fall asleep in your rocker!
Thank you Gary! We will keep in touch!
Your Friends,
C. & C.The Netherlands
November 12, 2003
I couldn't thank you enough. She, and everyone that attended the shower, absolutely loved it. I think every woman at the shower had to take her turn sitting in the rocker. It is truly a work of art. Several veteran mothers commented on the design features that must apparently make breastfeeding while rocking a much more comfortable experience — I wouldn't know. Notably, I heard the height of the armrests and the back support as being the most well thought-out design features for the chair. I'm sure some of them will be checking out your website as I had repeated it enough times throughout the party.
I guess I'll be talking to you again in the next few years. We are planning to have another baby and I would like to pass the chair on to each child as an heirloom.
Thanks again for your excellent craftsmanship. It's a rare thing these days.
West Lawn, PA
November 12, 2003
Yes — the chair was delivered on Friday, and all was in order. I gave it to her on Saturday evening, and she was actually surprised — and extremely pleased. It is probably is the best gift I ever gave her. Thanks for your help in making it possible. It is a truly beautiful (not to mention comfortable) piece of work!
B.N.Chicago, IL.
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