Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Nursery and Nursing

December 20, 2018


The rocker arrived and they love it, sending a picture of our daughter rocking!

Their baby is due on March 8 and I’m excited to rock him or her myself.

Merry Christmas!


San Antonio, Texas

November 13, 2018


With the help of this fabulous Weeks Rocker, I was able to get this child to go to sleep…



Blanco, Texas

November 04, 2018

Gary and Autumn,

Very pleased to present your rocker to my daughter expecting twins. She kept commenting on the comfort and craftsmanship of the rocker. I was proud to have found such a nice piece.


Clovis, California

October 29, 2018


Thanks. It arrived safe and sound. I’m looking forward to giving it to her next weekend. I love telling the story of our meeting and your success on the internet. Say “hi” to Autumn for me. All the best. Picture when the twins arrive.


Clovis, California

July 08, 2018

Gary — very nice to hear from you as always. I was delayed in responding, because we spent the past week on grandparenting duty in Philadelphia, taking care of our 10-month-old granddaughter while our daughter and son-in-law were out of town. I can tell you that the rocker and table that you made for our daughter look great and are very well used!

We and our friends and family are enjoying all of our white Gary Weeks porch rockers as well — although we have had some hot spells, the difference between here and Texas is that the hot spells are broken up by cool spells. It was 55 degrees when we got up this morning, and the high today will be 80 degrees — we drank coffee and read the paper in two of your rockers on our porch, and I suspect that we will will spend more time in them later today as well.

Glad to hear that you have been able to spend time with your grandchildren as well — that's really what it's all about.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and best wishes for continued success in the business (and for its founder to have time to get away as well).


Garrison, New York

June 30, 2018

Dear Gary,

I appreciated finding such a company as yours in the town I grew up in. The chair arrived timely, the day before our first of twins was discharged from the NICU. With twins we justified having two chairs. My wife has a fancy glider with cushions and I prefer my walnut rocker. It was a splurge but I tried to make one and it was taking too long!

Thank you,

Silver Spring, Maryland

May 14, 2018

Hi Gary,

I just rocked my daughter, L, to sleep on your chair. Me, T and L love it and everyone that's seen it has asked where we got it from. Also, the plaque came in the mail today. Looks great and thanks for sending it to us.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

March 27, 2018

Hi Autumn,

I just wanted to let you know that we received our Cherry Rocker today and my husband and I are completely thrilled!! The color is gorgeous, it's so comfortable and the workmanship and care your team has taken in crafting it is evident throughout. I'm just imagining the hours we'll spend rocking our little girl (who is due in 4 weeks!) in the years to come. It's a piece we'll treasure forever — thank you so much!!

I'm also going to pass along to my parents, my wish to have one of the Harris Stools for my birthday too.
If you hear from C.R. in the near future, that's us!!

I hope you have a great evening. Please let your crew know how wonderful their work is!


Sacramento, California

February 27, 2018

Hi Gary,

My parents gave me the Weeks Rocker in pecan in 1995 to celebrate the birth of our first child. Many hours have been spent in that chair reading and dozing a little too! I believe my parents (who live in Fort Worth) came upon your rockers at a bed and breakfast — and hunted you down to place the order.

That rocking chair has moved from Tennesee to Virginia to Florida to Washington State to North Carolina and now resides in Colorado! It has truly traveled coast to coast rocking kids of all ages!

We were thrilled to find you on the Internet — still making the same rocker! We wouldn't change a thing! It is our pleasure to give one to our daughter, B. and her husband to celebrate the same event!

Thank you for your commitment to craftmanship — it is well worth the effort!

Parker, Colorado

December 13, 2017

Hi Gary,

Oh, I miss the "hold and rock the baby for naps" phase! My youngest is 6 and our third child, and by the time she arrived, I had learned how quickly that phase passes. I savored every moment and miss it so much.

The desk arrived perfectly. The delivery team was a bit nervous it wouldn't fit through the door but it did. And it looks marvelous in the room. I will take and send a picture when it is nighttime!

I am so honored to have this treasure for her, and for her to cherish it as something handmade and to be passed down to her future children. Thank you for making it for us.

Happy Holidays and New Year!

Irvine, California

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