Comments from our Patrons

Category: Rocking Chair - Nursery and Nursing

December 02, 2011

Thanks Gary!

I was so pleased that I could pick-up the chair so soon. I really didn't expect it until January. I already love rocking in it. The baby moves a lot everytime I rock, so I think the baby likes it too :)

I hope your Thanksgiving was nice, and good luck with work during the Christmas season.

Thanks again,

Austin, Texas

December 02, 2011

Hello Everyone —

Just wanted to let my whole family know that the wonderful gift you gave me on my birthday arrived at our home yesterday. It came on a truck and was boxed as if it was the lost ark from "Raiders". Once opened, I knew why. Truly, it is now the most beautiful piece of furniture we have in our home or in Willowbrook for that matter. I've never seen such a work of art like this chair. You can tell that someone spent an awful lot of time and effort into creating such a piece. It's absolutely beautiful, and as comfortable as a leather sofa. Thank-You all very, very much. I can¹t wait to sit in it as I watch A. pace back and forth in the room to try and get the baby to sleep!

Thanks Again,

Willowbrook, Illinois

December 01, 2011

It arrived in perfect form and is simply amazing. We all had fun trying it out on Thanksgiving. I know the baby will love it, too (expected in February). Many thanks for your beautiful work.


New York, New York

December 01, 2011

I got it.

I am rocking grand babies as much as time will permit. They are getting a little older but still enjoy getting in my lap and rocking. It is so good for them and just as good for me.

Thank you very much.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

Blessings to you and your family,

Frankfort, Kentucky

November 23, 2011

Hi Gary. The chair made it's way up here at last. Thank you very much — it's beautiful and was well worth the wait. Already easing her back in the last part of the pregnancy.

Thanks for everything.

Vancouver, British Columbia

October 24, 2011


. . .
By the way, we LOVE our chairs — my husband is 6'7" and I am 5'1" and we have spent countless hours over the last 18 months rocking with our first baby boy. It still amazes me that one chair fits us both so well. I can¹t wait for a footstool to accompany it so we can spend just as much time rocking baby boy #2.

Thanks a million.

Houston, Texas

October 12, 2011

Hi Gary,

I received the chair yesterday and it gathered lots of spectators at work! We were able to fit it in my hatchback for transit home and it's found a temporary home in the middle of our nursery until I can move a bookshelf out of the way. It is just stunning and rocks like a dream. Our little "Peach" (her name for now) and I had a nice rock and read last night before bed. I enjoyed Bela's artwork on the crate lid also, please let her know. Thank you for your work and care in providing us with such a beautiful chair!

More soon,


Baltimore, Maryland

August 26, 2011


We received the rocking chair and accessories on Wednesday and are very happy with them. We cannot wait to use them when the baby arrives! Thank you very much.

We have a quick question about care: do you advise against the use of paste wax (e.g. Butcher's) to protect the finish?


Washington, DC

August 25, 2011

The rocker arrived yesterday morning and mother M. and baby B. love it. As I have said, it has been such a pleasure for me to give them something made to be beautiful and comfortable by someone I know.

Thanks —

Houston, Texas

August 16, 2011


Thanks so much for checking in. It did, indeed, arrive today, in perfect condition, while we are still waiting for Miss J. You have been tremendously helpful in working around my due date.

The rocker has the elegant lines and beautiful grain/smoothness I expected. I am delighted with how comfortable it is as well. Like many others in the review section, I fell asleep yesterday afternoon while testing it out.

Sleep, of late, has not been easy to come by, so this was pretty amazing. My significant other has been amused by how excited I've been about the arrival of this chair. This made it all the more gratifying when, after I made him sit down to try it, he didn't budge for almost an hour. He has a bad back, and really enjoyed the fit of the rocker. You have a new convert. He was also extremely impressed with the workmanship and agrees that this is the loveliest piece of furniture we own.

Have a great rest of the summer and I'm sure we'll be back for a matching rocker before too long, perhaps if/when number two is coming along.



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