Comments from our Patrons

April 18, 2024

Thank you, that means a lot. I love my rocker!

Harrison, Maine

April 18, 2024

We love it, thanks! We are expecting our first baby in August, and are looking forward to rocking her to sleep!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 18, 2024

Thank you Gary. The rocker is great. I’m having a hard time sharing it with my family. Proud to be a Gary Weeks Rocker owner.

Falmouth, Maine

April 18, 2024

Yes, they arrived and we are IN LOVE! Most comfortable rocking chair we have ever sat in and all of the pieces are just BEAUTIFUL!

Thomaston, Georgia

April 17, 2024

Gary, The rocker has been successfully delivered and is used daily. Our little one arrived 04/03 so it was at the house when we got home from the hospital! Theo appreciates the rocker very much! He enjoys his late night bottles and listening to John Coltrane while rocking!!!Someday I hope to get one of your mesquite rockers as well! Thx again Gary and Crew!
Ps. Here is a pic of Mr T! Couldn’t help it! :)

Portland, Oregon

April 17, 2024

Gary, The rocker has been successfully delivered and is used daily. Our little one arrived 04/03 so it was at the house when we got home from the hospital! T. appreciates the rocker very much! He enjoys his late night bottles and listening to John Coltrane while rocking!!!Someday I hope to get one of your mesquite rockers as well! Thx again Gary and Crew!

Portland, Oregon

April 17, 2024

Hi Gary!
Thank you very much for the kind note! Austin has been great to work and communicate with, and I appreciate you both being so accommodating with our sliding schedule. As you probably know, I purchased a gorgeous figured mesquite chair and stool years ago. When I became in charge of helping design and get my parent's new house built, I immediately thought of you. My mother is coming up to see the new furniture this weekend, so I'm very excited for that! I'm a big supporter off quality, handmade furniture, and I'm sure I'll be a customer into the future as well.

I'm sure you like having your son involved. I've had a distillery business, and my 17 year old son has started helping me after school and part time in the summer. It's doesn't get any better than a family business -- especially when you get to make something from scratch with your hands!

Galena, Illinois

March 08, 2024

Thank you for your email and kind words. Your rockers have been quite the conversation piece for all our visitors!

Wimberley, Texas

March 01, 2024

Just received and unboxed the rocking chair - it is beautiful! Every time we open one of your rockers, I am again amazed at the constant quality!

Thank you so very much! We are excited to gift it to our daughter.


Lenoir City, Tenneesee

February 14, 2024

Hi Gary,
Happy Valentines Day! The due date is creeping up on us quickly now!
...Currently, the porch rocker here is the only truly comfortable seat at 37 weeks. As always, thank you for bringing such beautiful and comfortable furniture into our lives.
Love, H.R.

Haiku, Hawaii

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